List of episodes
1 1-01 296844 11/17/13 "Pilot"
2 1-02 2J7005 11/18/13 "Skin "
3 1-03 2J7006 11/25/13 "Are You Receiving?"
4 1-04 2J7007 12/2/13 "The Bends"
5 1-05 2J7008 12/9/13 "Blood Brothers "
6 1-06 2J7003 12/16/13 "Arrhythmia"
7 1-07 2J7010 1/6/14 "Simon Says"
8 1-08 2J7002 1/13/14 "You Are Here"
9 1-09 2J7009 2/3/14 "Unbound"
10 1-10 2J7004 2/10/14 "Perception"
11 1-11 2J7011 2/17/14 "Disrupt"
12 1-12 2J7012 2/24/14 "Beholder"
13 1-13 2J7013 3/3/14 "Straw Man"
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Page updated 12/13/17