General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Reasons why Brenda should not leave Port Charles

By Anna

10. Jax lost the only person in P.C. that still likes him. (Excluding Alexis & Skye, they are not in their right mind right now).

9. She won’t be able to annoy people with her cackle.

8. The Quartermaines wouldn’t have anyone to be nice to.

7. She came back and created many rifts, she should stay to clean up her mess.

6. The cottage needs someone to live there.

5. She didn’t speak to all of her “best friends”, to let them know she was alive.

4. Someone had to become Liz’s friend.

3. She needed to smack Carly to put her in her place.

2. Alexis, Skye, and Brenda could’ve been the next girl power team of P.C., leaving their men and making it on their own.

The number one Reason why Brenda should not leave Port Charles

1. We’ll miss her love/hate relationship with Jason.

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Page updated 8/5/12

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