General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Reasons Why Carly Came Back

By Lauren

10. Because she wanted to see if people would mourn her death.

9. She wanted to find out if Sarah Brown was really coming back.

8. She wanted to see if Michael had started calling Leticia "Mommy" yet.

7. She had to make sure they didn’t shut down Club 101.

6. Duh!  Jason’s back!

5. She wanted to see if Zander would take her up on that "Hate Sex" now that the guilt had set in.

4. It had been 3 days and she hadn’t seen Sonny.  Enough said.

3. She wanted to make sure that Alexis felt good and guilty when she came back.

2. Because first she had to make sure she had her "amnesia" act down pat.

And the number 1 reason why Carly came back:

1. Sonny and Jason.  Can you say threesome?

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Page updated 8/5/12

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