General Hospital Top Ten Lists!
Top Ten Fun Uses for a Frozen Stavros by
#10 The
chips make good Ice Princess decoys.
#9 Keeping Helena cold at night.
#8 Gives Tony a do-it-yourself project.
#7 Gives hope to Brenda fans.
#6 Keeps those General Hospital electric bills going up.
#5 Explains that missing 13th floor at GH.
#4 Moves Jell-o to second on the "Most Disgusting Things
Served Cold in the GH Cafeteria" list.
#3 Might give Stefan ideas...
#2 Keeps Stavros from having to take cold showers whenever Laura
is around.
And the Number One Fun Use for Frozen Stavros...
Sugar-free Stavros-cicles for Lucas!
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Page updated 8/5/12