General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Characters likely to end up in General Hospital once a week
by Julie 12/6/05

10.  Monica (She works there and her kids are always hurt.)

 9.  Alan (Need I say the same thing.)

 8.  Courtney (She's always being run down or shot at or something. Now Helena wants her dead so I'd say she's likely to get a room soon.)

 7.  Elizabeth (Whether losing babies or being poisoned. Ms. Webber has awful bad luck.)

 6.  Ric and Alexis tied (Having babies in tunnels, being shot for your brother and more will send this pair to the ER.)

 5.  Emily (Cancer, rape, and a bad case of the I told you so's will send her there. Actually being a med student she's always there.)

 4.  Carly (Almost drownings, babies, shots to the head and lots more have given Mrs. Alcazar serious reasons to want to put her name on a building being so invested.)

 3.  Jason (Yes, he's on here too. Hello shootings, seizures, losing kids, and more.)

 2.  Lucky (Not a good name for someone who's been shot, in a coma and almost died more than once.)

 1.  Sonny aka populator of Port Charles (Babies, guns and more Sonnys always at the ER in GH and boy does he have a bill.)

NOTE: Opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily the opinions of the webmaster or any other people who work on this site...

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Page updated 8/5/12

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