General Hospital Top Ten Lists!
Top Ten Reasons for Jax to Come Back to Port Charles by
Sonny doesn't have enough people to fight with.
#9 He can try to steal Alexis back from Ned.
#8 He can give Skye a new boyfriend.
#7 The Quartermaines don't have enough people trying to take over
ELQ right now.
#6 He never got a chance to perform at the Nurses' Ball.
#5 He's got to take revenge on Stefan for luring him out of town
with the fake Brenda and trying to steal Chloe.
#4 So Helena can hit on him some more.
#3 Port Charles needs more men with REAL accents!
#2 Port Charles needs more men that will take their shirts off
every five minutes.
And the Number One Reason for Jax to Return to Port Charles:
So Chloe can forgive him (but do we really care? No!)
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Page updated 8/9/12