General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Reasons We'll Miss Tamara Braun
by Megan (04-19-05)

10) She's one of the few people on GH who can actually ACT!

9) Her and Maurice together...ok, so Sonny may not be everyone's favorite person, but you have to admit--they do have chemistry.

8) Her and Steve together...always comedy! "Get all that Carly?" "No, you talked to soft!"

7) Her and Ted...about time he got a storyline with people who can act. Plus they have amazing chemistry together.

6) Her emotional scenes over Michael's death were totally heartbreaking...we felt her pain!

5) No one else can play a drunken Carly better than our Tams!

4) Tamara loves her fans and gives her best everyday.

3) No one else can put not only Sonny, but Durant, in their places like Tamara as Carly.

2) Scheming Carly! Who else can pull off the hooker outfit with a black wig an a Fran Drescher-like voice?

1) No one delivers Carly's one-liners like Tamara! "I'm going to coach you for therapy!"

NOTE: Opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily the opinions of the webmaster or any other people who work on this site...

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Page updated 8/9/12

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