General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Ten things GH could do to improve the show

Written 6/1/02 by Suzanne originally for Bella Online

1) Give Genie Francis whatever she wants to make her stay.

2) Use older characters such as Tony, Mac, and the Quartermaines, more.

3) Bring in more minority characters (all soaps should do this) and write interesting stories for them.

4) Bring back the old Maxie.

5) Write out Sarah and Lucky (or make them more interesting, if that's possible).

6) Pair Jason and Liz immediately!

7) Have more crossovers with Port Charles.

8) Bring back the Nurse's Ball!

9) Instead of the safe choice of pairing Felicia and Roy, make the riskier and more interesting choice of pairing Felicia and Taggert.

10) Involve the hospital in more stories (this is called General Hospital, right?).

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Page updated 8/9/12

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