General Hospital Top Ten Lists!
Top Ten Things That I Hate About Ric
by Meghan
1) He lied to Sonny.
2) He kidnapped Courtney.
3) He made Elizabeth turn into a mean character..hence
her new nickname, "Elizabitch".
4) Everything that comes out of his ugly lips is a lie!
6) He gave Elizabeth a gun, which she then pointed at
7) He has a twisted sense of logic.
8) At some point in every show he says the words "I am
done with revenge on my brother"..please!
9) He took Carly from the church when her best friend
and sister in-law were about to be married.
10) His name can easily be changed to Pric, which is
much more appropriate for him...actually I think that's funny!
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Page updated 8/9/12