General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Wanda’s General Hospital Top Ten

10. Carly telling Jason that Elizabeth took advantage of him. That was so LOL funny and confirmed that Carly has lost her mind. Jason cannot be taken advantage of.

9. Patrick trying to help Lucky by telling him to focus on his rehabilitation. Buy a clue Lucky!

8. The interaction between Robin and Lorenzo. At first she was, and then she was fearless, tough chick Robin, telling Lorenzo to back off.

7. Robert pretending to talk to Sky on the phone to get Lorenzo’s attention.

6. Liz talking to Georgie about not liking Maxie. I just love the both of them. Liz was so real with her emotions.

5. Maxie telling Lucky that she doesn't want to get in the way of his rehabilitation, yet keeps showing up harassing him and putting pressure on him. That was another LOL moment.

4. Patrick being ultra protective of Robin. It was so very cute.

3. Jason defending Liz and telling Carly to back off. I always love a Carly and Jason quasi fight.

2. Jason rushing to great Liz at the door. He acted as though he would burst if he didn't talk to her about his maybe baby.

1a. Liz's reaction to Jason when he said that they have to talk about what they are going to do about the baby. She didn't understand what he was trying to say. It seems as though, in her mind, she already knew what she's going to do with her children- live with Gram and raise her kids.

1b. Jason telling Liz that he would marry her after Carly told him to think about himself.

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Page updated 8/9/12

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