General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Wanda’s General Hospital Top Ten

10. Jason looking at Lorenzo like he wanted to kill him dead. He was so unfazed by Lorenzo’s strong arm tactics.

9. Lorenzo (looking very sexy, I might add) watching Liz because that means there's more Elizabeth story line on the horizon.

8. Jason being so distracted and worried about Liz that he couldn't concentrate after her phone call.

7. Emily saying, "Lucky sees himself as the father." Well, he could see all he wants but it's not going to happen (total speculation and hopeful thinking on my part).

6. Elizabeth saying that the night was amazing yet still caring so much for Jason that she just wants him to be happy even if it is with Sam.

5. The soft way Jason talked to Elizabeth and usually talks to her. It is not because he thinks she is weak rather he just can’t seem to help himself because he is so taken with her that he treats and talks to her like she is precious, case in point the way he touched her during their night together

4. When Liz told Emily that her brother could be the father, they cut to Jason on the docks. It was so intense and Jason looked so darn sexy that I had to slap my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming (I had to do that a couple of times today actually)

3. I loved everything about Liz being at Jason’s penthouse. The way she was squirming and nervous. It was such a throw back to their earlier days.

2. How he came out and asked about the possibility of him being the father.

1. The Maxie and Georgie interaction was so great because the two sisters are at opposite ends because of what Georgie went through with Lulu and how delusional Maxie is, yet Georgie is loyal to her sister even if she believes that she is completely in the wrong.

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Page updated 8/9/12

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