General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #5
How well do you know GH characters and actors?
by Anna

1. What is Luke's middle name?
  A. Lucky
  B. Lucas
  C. Lorenzo
  D. Spencer

2.  Who is Juan's mother?

  1. Lily
  2. Katherine
  3. Brenda
  4. Lois

3.  Luke has had a relationship with all but which one of these women?

  1. Audrey
  2. Felicia
  3. Tammy
  4. Laura

4.  What is the name of the company the Quartermains run?

  1. ELSQ
  2. ELQ
  3. LSQ
  4. SLQE

5.  Before becoming a Calvin Klein model and actor in films as 'The Big Hit' he played John 'Jagger' Cates (1992-1994, 1995)?

  1. Tyson Beckford
  2. Ashton Kutcher
  3. Mark Walberg
  4. Antonio Sabato Jr.

6. Which actor is one half of the band Kurth and Taylor?

  1. Wally AKA Ned Ashton
  2. Brad AKA Tony Jones
  3. Tony AKA Luke Spencer
  4. John AKA Edward Quatermaine

7. Which former actor recently co-starred in the movie The Deep End of The Ocean?

  1. Christopher Tyler
  2. Jonathan Jackson
  3. Jennifer Sky
  4. Steve Burton

8. What year were Luke and Laura married?

  1. 1985
  2. 1979
  3. 1981
  4. 1982

9. Where was Brenda when she as shot at?

  1. The tub
  2. The shower
  3. Kelly's
  4. Her car

10. Who told AJ the truth about Michael's paternity?

  1. Carly
  2. Jason
  3. Robin
  4. Tony



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