General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #2
How well do you know GH characters and actors?

1.  Which actress started out as an ice skater?

  1. Tamara Braun
  2. Rebecca Herbst
  3. Jennifer Sky
  4. Amber Tamblyn

2.  Which actress performed in the musical "Guys and Dolls"? 

  1. Genie Francis
  2. Leslie Charleson
  3. Nancy Lee Grahn
  4. Anna Lee

3. At the 1994 Nurses Ball ,who performed a scene from Romeo and Juliet?

  1. Damian and Lucy
  2. Mac and Felicia
  3. Tony and Bobbie
  4. Robin and Stone 

4. Which actor did a diaper commercial with Juliet Mills?

  1. Kimberly McCullough
  2. Cari Shayne
  3. Vanessa Marcil
  4. Lilly Melgar

5. Which actor had the intention of becoming a monk?

  1. Billy Warlock
  2. Stephen Nichols
  3. Brad Maule
  4. Anthony Geary

6. Which actor started out as a back up singer for country singer Bobbie Gentry?

  1. Maurice Benard
  2. Brad Maule
  3. Ingo Rademacher
  4. Stuart Damon

7. Which actor was accepted into law school?

  1. Ingo Rademacher
  2. John J. York
  3. Billy Warlock
  4. Joseph C. Phillips

8. Who made their screen debut opposite John Wayne in The Horse Soldiers?

  1. Constance Towers
  2. Anna Lee
  3. Norma Connelly
  4. Elizabeth Taylor

9. Which actor worked at the real Studio 54?

  1. Stuart Damon
  2. George Alvarez
  3. Anthony Geary
  4. Real Andrews

10. Who was the longest running performer on GH as of 2003?

  1. Anna Lee
  2. Stuart Damon
  3. Kin Shriner
  4. Rachel Ames




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