General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #10
By Mindy

1) What is the location where Sonny, Sam and Jax were stranded?
A. Azure Key
B. Virgin Islands
C. Cape Cod
D. Port Charles Island

2) How much money did Courtney receive for saving someone's life from the Port Charles Hotel?
A. $10 million
B. $5 million
C. $20 million
D. She didn't receive any money

3) What name did Georgie use for her "make believe" boyfriend to make Dillion jealous?
A. John
B. Travis
C. Stephen
D. Michael

4) Which actor or actress once emceed a Dr. Seuss read-in?
A. Maurice Bernard
B. Ric Hearst
C. Tamara Braun
D. Kelly Monaco

5) What caused Edward to have a heart-attack?
A. He saw Monica and Alan in the act
B. He learned that he wasn't really a Quartermaine
C. He thought he caused the fire at the Port Charles Hotel
D. He learned that Monica is really his daughter




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