General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #1
How well do you know GH characters and actors?

1.  Which of the Quartermaine children on GH is not Monica or Alan's biological child?

  1. Jason
  2. A.J.
  3. Emily
  4. Dawn

2.  Which actor is one half of the band Kurth and Taylor?

  1. Wally (Ned)
  2. Brad (Tony)
  3. Coltin (Nikolas)
  4. Jacob (Lucky)

3.  Which former actor recently co-starred in the movie The Deep End of The Ocean?

  1. Jennifer Skye
  2. Amber Tamblyn
  3. Tyler Christopher
  4. Jonathan Jackson

4.  Which actress starred in How Green Was My Valley and The Sound of Music?

  1. Anna Lee
  2. Elizabeth Taylor
  3. Constance Towers
  4. Norma Connolly

5.  Which actor practices Tae Kwon Do?

  1. Coltin Scott
  2. Real Andrews
  3. Maurice Benard
  4. Anthony Geary

6.  Which actor designs her own line of clothing?

  1. Sarah Brown
  2. Patricia Healy
  3. Genie Francis
  4. Shell Kepler

7.  Which of these women was Jax not married to?

  1. Brenda
  2. V.
  3. Miranda
  4. Alexis

8.  Which daughter of Felicia's is also Frisco's daughter?

  1. Georgie
  2. Maxie
  3. Georgie and Maxie
  4. None of the above

9.  Which actor had a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

  1. Norma Connelly
  2. Constance Towers
  3. John Ingle
  4. Anna Lee

10.  Which actor loves to kayak in real life?

  1. Billy Warlock
  2. Ingo Rademacher
  3. Wally Kurth
  4. Maurice Benard




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