General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Carrie's November Quiz

1 Who told Liz that her invested money was gone?

a. Patrick

b. Robin

c. Steven

2 Where did Luke fake his heart attack?

a. Kelly’s

b. Metro Court lobby

c. Quartermaine Mansion

3 Who set up Sonny and Claire’s dinner date?

a. Carly

b. Dante

c. Jax

4 Before being grabbed by the Balkan’s men, where was Siobhan hiding out?

a. Wyndemere

b. Jason’s penthouse

c. Haunted Star

5 Where did Molly meet Abby?

a. Sam’s apartment

b. Kelly’s

c. Metro Court

6 Who does Spinelli call ‘The Divine One’?

a. Sam

b. Maxie

c. Brenda

7 Whose youngster’s birthday is November 3?

a. Emma

b. Cameron

c.  Spencer

8.  Who rescued Robin and Emma from the house fire?

a. Mac

b. Patrick

c.  Lisa

9.  Who told Kristina that Sonny ordered the car bombing?

a. Dante

b. Michael

c.  Alexis

10.  How do Dante and Brenda know each other?

a. They met at a party.

b. Brenda is an old family friend.

c. Dante guarded Brenda at one time.




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