General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1. In what European city did Sonny run into Brenda? a. London b. Rome c. Paris
2. Who did Tracy hire to locate Luke? a. Ethan b. Nikolas c. Lucky
3. Where did Robin find Emma’s stuffed animal? a. In a lab beaker b. In the hospital trash can c. In Lisa’s locker
4. Where is Brook Lynn currently residing? a. Wyndemere b. Quartermaine mansion c. Dante’s loft
5. Whose idea was it to put Brenda on the cover of Crimson? a. Kate b. Maxie c. Jax
6. Who grabbed Johnny’s gun after the Baker Street shooting? a. Ethan b. Ronnie c. Dante
7. Where did Spinelli witness Maxie and Matt flirting with each other? a. Jake’s b. Kelly’s c. General Hospital
8. Who convinced Johnny to talk to Sonny about a truce? a. Dante b. Olivia c. Ethan
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Page updated 8/2/12