General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Carrie's Quiz

1.  Who saved Johnny in the drive-by shooting?

a.  Ethan  b.  Dante  c.  Michael 

2.  Where did Lucky find Aiden?

a.  Washington  b.  Oregon  c.  California 

3.  Who received an e-mail from Brenda Barrett?

a.  Robin  b.  Lois   c.  Sonny 

4.  What went missing in the Drake home?

a.  Robin and Patrick’s wedding photo

b.  Emma’s baby blanket

c.  Robin’s medication 

5.  Where did Ethan and Maya share their first kiss?

a.  Quartermaine mansion  b.  General Hospital  c.  Kelly’s 

6.  Who drank margaritas with Olivia at Jake’s?

a.  Johnny  b.  Kate   c.  Steven 

7.  What is the name of Brenda’s actor boyfriend?

a.  Martin  b.  Murphy  c.  Murray 

8.   Where were Kristina and Taylor when he tried to kiss her?

a.  Davis home  b.  Library  c.  Docks 

9.  Who did Carly tell Brook Lynn to stay away from?

a.  Johnny  b.  Dante  c.  Ethan 

10.  Who first told Jason that he was being officially released from Pentonville?

a.  Claire  b.  Diane  c.  Sonny 




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