General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1 What gift did Jason give Sam?
a. Engagement ring b. Bracelet c. Necklace
2 What is the name of Helena’s male assistant?
a. Theo b. Thor c. Thomas
3 What is Michael’s full-term prison sentence?
a. Three years b. Five years c. Seven years
4 Who prayed with Sonny in church?
a. Olivia b. Robin c. Alexis
5 Who did Helena put into a cell?
a. Lucky b. Tracy c. Elizabeth
6 Who did Sonny call the “Queen of Deflection”?
a. Alexis b. Kate c. Carly
7 What young character has recently returned to the canvas?
a. Brook Lynn Ashton b. Dillon Quartermaine c. Lucas Jones
8 Who did Maxie go out on a date with?
a. Lucky b. Johnny c. Matt
9 What is the name of the prison guard who dislikes Michael?
a. Wright b. Williams c. Walker
10 Who did Claire have a chat with in the park?
a. Dante b. Sonny c. Lucky
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Page updated 8/2/12