General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1 Where did Suzanne go to hide from Sonny and Brenda?
a. Orlando b. San Antonio c. San Diego
2 Who does not know that Aiden is Lucky’s biological son?
a. Siobhan b. Lulu c. Maxie
3 Who was not at Luke’s intervention?
a. Nikolas b. Tracy c. Bobbie
4 Who did Sonny ask to help find Lucian?
a. Jax b. Carly c. Claire
5 How much money did Brenda offer for Lucian’s safe return?
a. One million dollars b. Two million dollars c. Five million
6 Where did Anthony and Abby meet for the first time?
a. The docks b. Johnny’s apartment c. Kelly’s
7 Where did Lucky and Jason have a chat about Jake’s birthday?
a. The penthouse b. MetroCourt c. The hospital lobby
8 Whose ring was in Matt’s jacket pocket?
a. Robin’s b. Maxie’s c. Lisa’s
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Page updated 8/2/12