General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Carrie's Quiz

1  Where did Suzanne go to hide from Sonny and Brenda?

a.  Orlando  b.  San Antonio  c.  San Diego 

2  Who does not know that Aiden is Lucky’s biological son?

a.  Siobhan  b.  Lulu   c.  Maxie 

3  Who was not at Luke’s intervention?

a.  Nikolas  b.  Tracy  c. Bobbie 

4  Who did Sonny ask to help find Lucian?

a.  Jax   b.  Carly  c.  Claire 

5  How much money did Brenda offer for Lucian’s safe return?

a.  One million dollars  b.  Two million dollars  c.  Five million dollars 

6  Where did Anthony and Abby meet for the first time?

a.  The docks  b.  Johnny’s apartment  c.  Kelly’s 

7  Where did Lucky and Jason have a chat about Jake’s birthday?

a.  The penthouse b.  MetroCourt  c.  The hospital lobby 

8  Whose ring was in Matt’s jacket pocket?

a.  Robin’s  b.  Maxie’s  c.  Lisa’s 




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