General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1 What was the color of the dress that Kristina wore to impress Ethan?
a. Red b. Black c. Purple
2 What is the first name of the attorney prosecuting Sonny?
a. Carol b. Chloe c. Claire
3 What Yankee memorabilia did Morgan bring to the police station to give
a. Mug b. Hat c. Pennant
4 What is the name of Bernie’s secretary?
a. Jessica b. Jennifer c. Jill
5 Who ran out of the courtroom after Johnny’s testimony?
a. Kristina b. Olivia c. Dante
6 Who is not on the jury for Sonny’s trial?
a. Coleman b. Lisa c. Steven d. Alice
7 Who went to the island to look for Michael?
a. Johnny b. Dante c. Ronnie
8 Who overheard Epiphany tell Elizabeth and Nikolas the results of the
paternity test?
a. Lucky b. Helena c. Robin
9 Who brought Kristina to the hospital following her attack?
a. Kiefer b. Ethan c. Sonny
10 What is the trial judge’s last name?
a. Campbell b. Carlson c. Carroll
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Page updated 8/1/12