General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Carrie's Quiz

1.  Where did Spinelli go to get away from the FBI?

a. New York City    b. Miami   c. Los Angeles 

2. Who was not a casualty during the biotoxin situation?

a. Trevor    b. Monica   c. Leyla 

3. What is Rebecca’s last name?

a. Smith    b. Schmidt   c. Shaw 

4. Who did Lulu accuse of stealing Robin’s billfold?

a. Ethan    b. Johnny   c. Spinelli 

5. Who almost caught Claudia visiting Michael?

a. Sonny    b. Jax    c. Carly 

6. In Maxie’s dream, whom was BJ engaged to?

a. Patrick    b. Matt    c. Spinelli 

7. Who told Sonny that Anthony shot Kate?

a. Claudia    b. Kate    c. Jason 

8. Who disarmed the bomb that was strapped to Claudia?

a. Jason    b. Ric    c. Sonny 




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