General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1 Who decorated Jason’s penthouse for Valentine’s Day?
a. Maxie b. Kristina and Molly c. Sam
2 Courtesy of Lisa, Epiphany received concert tickets for what musical
a. Beyoncé b. Mariah Carey c. Black Eyed Peas
3 What piece of jewelry did Johnny give Olivia?
a. Earrings b. Bracelet c. Necklace
4 Who escorted Elizabeth to Shadybrook?
a. Lucky b. Steven c. Nikolas
5 Who had a run-in with Max and Milo at Pier 52?
a. Johnny b. Spinelli c. Ethan
6 Who was not present when Molly and Morgan played Franco’s DVD?
a. Jason b. Sonny c. Sam d. Jax
7 What is the name of the man who sells cigars to Luke?
a. Carlos b. Charles c. Cesar
8 Where did Lucky find an unconscious Elizabeth?
a. At home b. At Wyndemere c. At a church
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Page updated 8/1/12