General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1. What company bought Nadine’s patent?
a. Phoenix b. Equinox c. Horizon
2. What is the name of the woman that resembles Emily?
a. Renee b. Rachel c. Rebecca d. Ramona
3. What is Matt’s last name?
a. Hunter b. Hudson c. Hart d. Harmon
4. Who sent Claudia the mysterious DVDs?
a. Anthony b. Ric c. Jerry d. Jason
5. Who was Patrick’s best man the first time around?
a. Matt b. Lucky c. Nikolas d. Coleman
6. Which of these characters was not in the GH boardroom during the biotoxin
a. Carly b. Kate c. Jason d. Trevor e. Claudia
7. Who is Robin and Patrick’s neighbor?
a. Sonny b. Elizabeth c. Matt d. Carly
8. During the most recent Crimson party, who wore the same dress as Kate?
a. Claudia b. Maxie c. Lulu d. Carly
9. What is the name of Olivia’s son?
a. Drew b. Dante c. Douglas d. David
10. In what city did Laura go to seek treatment for her condition?
a. New York City b. Los Angeles c. Paris d. London
11. Who is Spencer Cassadine’s mother?
a. Emily b. Elizabeth c. Nadine d. Courtney
12. What is Spinelli’s first name?
a. Darren b. Donny c. Damian
13. Which of these characters does not know that Jake Spencer is Jason’s
a. Carly b. Lulu c. Sam d. Claudia
14. Who witnessed Karpov’s murder?
a. Claudia b. Jason c. Olivia d. Jax
15. Which of these characters was not in the OR when the biotoxin was
a. Epiphany b. Elizabeth c. Leyla d. Monica e. Matt
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Page updated 8/1/12