General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!
1 Where did Lulu confront Elizabeth?
a. Metro Court b. General Hospital c. Kelly’s
2 Who found an injured Mike laying in an alley?
a. Sonny b. Ethan c. Dominic
3 Who was not present when Lulu confronted Elizabeth?
a. Steven b. Sonny c. Ethan d. Robin
4 Robin and Emma traveled to what international city to visit Anna?
a. Paris b. London c. Sydney
5 Where did Nikolas tell Lulu about his affair with Liz?
a. Wyndemere b. Kelly’s c. Elm Street pier
6 What did Maxie tell Mac she saw the night of Claudia’s disappearance?
a. She saw nothing out of the ordinary
b. She saw Sonny wearing a blood-stained shirt
c. She saw Sonny and Michael return home together
7 What higher-up did Olivia talk to about dropping Dante from Sonny’s
a. Ronnie b. Mac c. Agent Rayner
8 Who told Kristina that she dresses like a child?
a. Molly b. Michael c. Kiefer
9 Who agreed to be Josslyn’s godfather?
a. Jason b. Lucky c. Sonny
10 How did Michael find out Dominic is an undercover cop?
a. Dominic told him the truth
b. Michael overheard Dom and Ronnie talking at the hospital
c. Michael overheard Dom and Johnny talking on the pier
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Page updated 8/1/12