General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Carrie's Quiz

1  Who announced his engagement at Luke and Tracy’s wedding?

a.  Jason  b.  Sonny  c.  Dante 

2  Who was playing his guitar when the bus crashed?

a.  Steven  b.  Taylor  c.  Matt 

3  Who did not attend the wedding?

a.  Brenda  b.  Sam   c.  Carly 

4  Who does Edward want running ELQ?

a.  Tracy  b.  Jason  c.  Ethan 

5  Who was revealed as the Balkan?

a.  Jerry Jacks  b.  Agent Bates  c.  Theo Hoffman 

6  Where was Jerry shot?

a.  Baker Street  b.  Pier 52  c.  Corinthos warehouse 

7  Who did Michael sit next to on the bus?

a.  Molly  b.  Kristina  c.  Morgan 

8  What was the name of the woman who posed as the cousin of Lisa’s housekeeper?

a.  Maria  b.  Alma  c.  Inez 




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