General Hospital Past History!
Current Character History
Updated 2009:
Cassadines, and Webbers
Luke is married to Laura, who is in an insane, catatonic state.
He has one son, Lucky, and a little girl, Lesley Lu (also known as Lulu).
His sister is Bobbie, a nurse at the hospital. Laura also had a son
named Nikolas, who was born when she was kidnapped by the Cassadines.
No one knew about him until he came to town in his teens. Luke used
to be a mobster and rapist, but somehow he has also always been a romantic
hero. He is what they generally call an anti-hero. He lives on
the edge and flaunts authority.
Lucky and Elizabeth Webber used to be a serious couple, but Helena
Cassadine kidnapped Lucky for a year and tried to brainwash him, so that
pretty much wrecked their relationship. Elizabeth and Jason Morgan
flirted for awhile but never became a real couple. Elizabeth was
married to Ric Lansing for a while, but his obsession with his brother,
Sonny, took over his life. Elizabeth had been pregnant, but
she miscarried, thanks to Faith pushing her down the stairs. Ric
blamed Sonny. He kept Sonny's wife Carly prisoner in his panic room,
hoping to steal her baby from her. He drugged Elizabeth to keep her
from having more children or from knowing about the panic room.
Elizabeth later slept with Zander Harris and had his baby, whom she named
Cameron after Zander's father. Zander and his father both died a few
years ago.
Elizabeth was an artist, but now she is a nurse at General Hospital.
Her brother, Steven, is a doctor there, and her grandmother Audrey is a
nurse there. Lucky was a photographer, but now he is a cop.
Emily comes from the wealthy Quartermaine family, and she is a med
student. Nikolas' family was also rich but it's unclear now as to
exactly how much money they have. His family comes from Russian
royalty but they are also of Greek descent.
Lucky, Elizabeth, Nikolas, and Emily used to hang out together and were
known as the "Four Musketeers". Emily used to have a crush on
much-older Nikolas. Later, after both had many relationships and
matured, they fell in love. Many things have kept them apart as they
have become the hero and heroine of the show, always in peril from others.
Nikolas' grandmother Helena hates Emily and wants her dead; she has tried
many times to kill her. Emily was raped by a man named Connor who
looked exactly like Nikolas. He blamed Nikolas for the death of his
crazy ex-wife, Mary, and fell for Emily. Nikolas was put in prison
for the murder of Helena, even though she didn't really die (he threw her
off a cliff). Lucky was in love with Emily for a while, but now it
looks as if he and Elizabeth might be getting back together.
Stefan is not evil like the rest of
his family but he sometimes does evil things.
He loves his nephew Nikolas and sometimes, Laura.
There is a long time feud between the Spencer and Cassadine
families. Nikolas is also a
good guy. Luke runs his own
bar, Luke's. Laura runs Deception
Cosmetics. Nikolas works for L&B records doing PR.
Stefan, Nikolas and Helena are very rich and run many businesses
under the Cassadine Empire.
Stefan also helps to run GH. Lucky
is not working at the moment but sometimes he's an artist.
Nikolas' aunt is Alexis Davis, a lawyer. Helena killed Alexis'
mother and often tries to kill her. Alexis came very close to
marrying Ned Ashton, a Quartermaine, but chickened out. She married
Jax breifly but they were only friends. She was in love Sonny for a
long time while she was his lawyer. When he was briefly separated
from his wife, they had a one-night stand, which resulted in her daughter
Kristina (named after her dead sister). Alexis was afraid that
Sonny's mobster life would endanger Kristina, so she lied for years that
Ned was the father (and Ned went along with it). Alexis was also
briefly involved with Cameron before he died. Kristina got sick, so
everyone found out the truth about Sonny being her parents. Alexis
married friend Ric Lansing in order to make a better case for custody of
Kristina (but also because she had fallen for him), but Sonny won custody.
He allows Kristina to stay with Alexis but he frequently sees her, much to
Alexis' chagrin and fear.
Bobbie Spencer is Luke's close sister. They grew up on the
streets, not knowing their parents. Bobbie was married many times,
including to doctor Tony Jones. She has an adopted son, Lucas.
Bobbie's daughter is Carly Corinthos. Bobbie gave Carly up for
adoption, but Carly tracked her down and it took a while before the two of
them became close. Carly recently found out that her father is John
Durant, a Federal Prosecutor who makes his living going after mobsters.
This made things difficult for Carly, who was married to Sonny, a mobster.
Durant was only interested in bringing down Sonny, at first, but later he
was glad to know Carly, too. Steven Webber has worked with Durant in
the past as a forensics expert. When he first came to town, he and
Durant kept their relationship a secret as he spied on Carly for Durant.
Steven developed feelings for Carly and he was a lot more honest than
Durant, so he told her the truth. He and Carly have become good
friends, but she has resisted a romantic relationship with him.
Carly is still in love with her husband, Sonny. They had a very
tumultuous history, partly because Carly lies a lot. She helped
Alexis keep Kristina's paternity a secret, which was the final straw for
Sonny. Carly also has feelings for Lorenzo Alcazar, another mobster,
who is in love with her. Carly has two sons, Michael and Morgan.
Michael's biological father is A.J. Quartermaine, but Sonny adopted him.
Morgan is Sonny's son. Carly and her sons live in an apartment
building (Steven Webber also lives there).
The Quartermaines
The Q's are a wealthy family full of
business people and doctors.; they quarrel a lot.
The patriarch is Edward, a blustery fellow who runs the family
business ELQ. He will stop at
nothing to get what he wants and likes to throw his money around.
His sweet wife that everyone loves was Lila; she died in 2004.
Edward's son is Alan, chief of staff at the hospital.
Edward had two illegitimate children, Bradley Ward and Jimmy Lee
Holt. Bradley's son is Justus Ward, a lawyer. He has worked
for ELQ and also Sonny Corinthos He and Edward didn't get along too
well. Edward treats his family badly. He has always made Alan
feel like a failure because he didn't go into the family business.
Justus is in love with Faith Roscoe, another mobster, whom he knew years
Alan is married to Monica, another
doctor. Alan and Monica
fought for many years and cheated on each other a lot but now they are
more like a boring old couple. They have two sons, Jason and A.J. Alan
thought that Skye was his daughter, but they found later she wasn't;
however, they still tear her like she's part of the family. Skye was a
character on All My Children and One Life to Live before coming onto GH.
She is in love with Luke and they have many adventures. Tracy is
Edward's daughter. She is a selfish bitch and no one likes her, but
they put up with her. She is always fighting with someone for
control of ELQ. Her son is Dillon Hornsby. He loves her but
doesn't like her much, either. Dillon is a film student.
Jason was the good son with a
promising medical future until he got into a bad car accident with his
brother A.J., who was driving drunk.
Jason had major brain damage and has been a different guy ever
since. A.J. did a lot of bad things and then left town after
stealing from the family. Jason, who had permanent amnesia as well, moved out of the house
because he couldn't stand his family any more
He doesn't smile much, doesn't like liars, and isn't very trusting,
but he is very loyal to his few close friends.
He got involved with mobster Sonny Corinthos and they have been friends,
almost like brothers or father-son, for a very long time.
He calls himself Jason Morgan now (Morgan was his grandmother Lila's maiden name).
Jason was involved for a while with Carly, when she was involved with
A.J. Jason and Carly have remained good friends throughout many
trials. Jason was married briefly to Sonny's sister, Courtney, but
she couldn't handle the mob life. She had a tragic miscarriage as
well. Jason got involved with Sam while she was pregnant with
Sonny's child, and they formed a family bond for a while. Sam
miscarried, but they fell in love. Jason and Courtney still have
ties, even though Courtney is involved wiht Jax and he is with Sam.
Ned is also Tracy's son and has been involved with ELQ for a long time.
He also has his own recording company, L&B. He was married many
times, but his favorite wife was Lois Cerullo. Lois was from
Brooklyn and fell in love with Ned while he was moonlighting as singer
Eddie Maine. Later, Lois left town with their daughter Brook Lynn
because she didn't like the influence that the Quartermaines had on her
family. Lois and Brook recently came to town. Brook is a
singer/songwriter teenager; she would like her parents back together, but
they don't want to reunite. Lois has been involved with Lorenzo
Alcazar. Brook dated Lucas for a while, but she fell in love with
Diego, a foster kid who turned out to be Lorenzo's son.
Emily is Monica and Alan's adopted daughter. Her mother died of
breast cancer about the time Monica had the disease. She had a drug
problem in the past. Her first love was rock singer Juan, but he
didn't treat her well and then she fell for Zander, so Juan left.
They had a tortured history until his death.
The Corinthos
Family and other mobsters
Sonny is a mobster, but a nice guy, basically. He was raised in a poor section of New York
and his father left him and his mom early. Today Sonny has an on-again,
off-again relationship with Mike Corbin, his repentant dad.
Mike's only problem nowadays is that he has a gambling problem so Sonny
has often had to bail him out. When Sonny was young, his step dad Deke
beat Sonny (and his mom) and left him a closet a lot, so he has some
issues with violence. He also has issues with authority in general, and
with police in particular. Sonny fought back early on and joined the mob
and now he controls a large part of the eastern seaboard, or at least it
seems that way, and part of Puerto Rico as well. Even though he is a
mobster, he never is involved in drugs or prostitution, and he never does
violence himself (to make him more sympathetic, I suppose). Sonny has had
many relationships wiht women. The woman from his past that was very
special was Brenda. They were a great super-couple and also a great
triangle with Jax. Sonny has had bouts of manic depression and has come close to suicide a few times when he has lost loved ones. He
has lost many loved ones.
Sonny and Carly didn't used to like each other, but they had sex one
night and it led to her being pregnant. He convinced her to marry
him, and they fell in love. Carly miscarried but they stayed
together for a long time and had more children. There are many people in town either fear or respect Sonny. He has tried to make some good will by doing
things like giving money to the Pediatric AIDS foundation. He owns some ELQ stock,
Courtney is Sonny's half-sister, but they didn't grow up together.
She is a real heroine on the show and very able to defend herself with
kick-boxing. She can be very gullible and trusting sometimes.
She received millions of dollars for helping a rich old lady a few years
ago and she has used that to fund a charity for foster children. She
sometimes takes in foster children. She used to be married to A.J.
and Jason, but now she is engaged to Jax. Her father, Mike, worries
about her often.
Ric Lansing is Sonny's half-brother (no relation to Courtney) and also
didn't grow up with him. He blames Sonny for the fact that he grew
up with a cold, non-loving father. The man had asked Sonny's mother
to choose between Ric and Sonny, so she chose Sonny and left. Ric
thinks that Sonny caused the problems by pushing her down the stairs when
she was pregnant with Ric, but Sonny remembers it as an accident.
Ric can be very twisted and obsessive, but he also has a good side.
He is district attorney of Port Charles and currently married to Alexis
Davis. What Ric wants more than anything else is to have Sonny love
him and treat him as a brother, but Sonny hates him (and for good reason).
Lorenzo Alcazar came to town after Alexis killed his brother, Luis.
Luis was evil, but Lorenzo has more conscience and compassion. He
had studied to be a history professor but had to give it up to help run
the family business (guns and drugs). He loved his niece, Sage,
until she murdered. He fell in love with Carly and actively pursued
her for a long time. Lorenzo views Sonny as a crude, uneducated thug
and they have had a long rivalry. Lorenzo has done some things to
make people hate him, but Carly and Lois have a soft spot for him.
Now he is trying to get to know his new-found son, Diego.
Faith is an evil mobster but she has moments of vulnerability and a lot
of humor. She tried to get control of Sonny's empire but failed
miserably. She has murdered a lot of people, including her own
grandmother, but fell in love with Justus, who has tried to help her out
with legal advice. Faith recently went to prison but escaped and has
kidnapped Kristina to get back at Alexis and Sonny.
Mac Scorpio is the town's police chief. He is a good person.
He used to be married to Felicia, a sometimes-private eye. They have
two daughters, Georgie and Maxie. Georgie is in love with Dillon.
Sometimes Georgie and Dillon get into trouble, so Mac does not like Dillon
too much and is always forbidding Georgie to see him. Georgie and
Maxie's real father is Frisco Jones, Tony's brother, who is a secret agent
and never comes home.
Jasper "Jax" Jacks is a rich guy who makes a living taking over other
companies. He is handsome, charming, and romantic. He and Sam
were briefly involved, but she was just using him and lied to him a lot.
Jax is good friends with Ned and Alexis. He and Skye used to be
married and are good friends. Jax wooed Courtney and now they are in
love and making plans to be married.
Sam used to be on the run and had many adventures (not all good); she
worked on her own salvage boat for a while. She fell in love with
Sonny when he was separated from Carly, but he did not return the feelings.
She miscarried their baby and that hit her very hard. She fell in love
with Jason, but she has trouble trusting people. She can be kind of a
bitch and a liar, but she can also be nice.
Coleman is a really sleazy guy who runs the bar called "Jakes" that a lot
of people hang out in (especially Carly and Jason when they want to play
pool). He used to run a strip club and has been involved in blackmail,
kidnapping, and many other things.
Cassadines, and Webbers
Luke and Laura got together before my
time, but they were a great couple in the early 80's.
Luke was a rogue and he raped Laura on the disco floor, but somehow
she fell for him anyway. He
stole her away from her husband, Scott (now on PC).
They had son Lucky, and later, daughter Lesley Lu.
Lesley Lu or Lulu as they call her, was diagnosed with a plastic
anemia and needed a bone marrow donor.
She got that from her brother Nikolas Cassadine.
Nikolas is Laura's son by Mikkos Cassadine.
He was a villain who kidnapped Laura for many years and hid
her away on his family's island. For
a while it looked like Nikolas' real father was Stefan, Mikko's brother
whom Laura also slept with, but this wasn't true.
Lucky was kidnapped in 99 by Cesar Faison; he was working for
Mikkos and Stefan's evil mother, Helena.
He was kept away a whole year.
Luke and Laura broke up. Laura
was with Stefan for a while and Luke bedded Felicia Jones Scorpio, which
led to her marriage to Mac failing.
Laura and Luke have a history of being
"on the run" as they were hiding out and running for many years
because of mobster Frank Smith. They
are intrepid and adventurous and always get together when there is a
crisis threatening their family, even though they are divorced.
Laura is full of heart and goodness.
Luke still has an edge and resents authority.
Stefan is not evil like the rest of
his family but he sometimes does evil things.
He loves his nephew Nikolas and sometimes, Laura.
There is a long time feud between the Spencer and Cassadine
families. Nikolas is also a
good guy. Luke runs his own
bar, Luke's. Laura runs Deception
Cosmetics. Nikolas works for L&B records doing PR.
Stefan, Nikolas and Helena are very rich and run many businesses
under the Cassadine Empire.
Stefan also helps to run GH. Lucky
is not working at the moment but sometimes he's an artist.
Lucky's girlfriend is Elizabeth
Webber. She is also an artist
and was working at Kelly's diner as a waitress, but I think she works for
Deception now.
She and Lucky were going to go to NYC for art school when he was
kidnapped. Nikolas was also in
love with Elizabeth. The
Webber family have been on GH for many years.
Audrey, Elizabeth's grandmother, was one of the original cast
members, or close to it, and was married to Steve Hardy, who passed away a
few years ago. Steve ran GH
and Audrey is head nurse. Elizabeth
is the daughter of Audrey's son Jeff, whose father was not Steve.
Laura was adopted by the Webbers for a while and her mother was
married to Rick Webber, so Lucky and Elizabeth are not related.
Laura's mother is Lesley Webber, who sometimes appears on the show.
Elizabeth had a sister, Sarah, who was dating Nikolas,
but she left town.
Elizabeth was kind of a brat who had a crush on Lucky until
she was raped. Ever since
then, she's been the heroine.
Stefan has a half-sister, Alexis, who
is a lawyer. They thought for
a long time that they were cousins, and they had semi-incestuous feelings
that they never acted on. Helena
killed Alexis' mother and often tries to kill her.
Alexis is very involved with Ned Quartermaine.
She briefly married Jasper Jax but it was a ruse to help out a
friend. Helena is pure evil
and spends a lot of time on her yacht. Alexis and Ned came very
close to getting married, but she backed out. She and Sonny are good
friends and he is his lawyer.
Bobbie Spencer is Luke's close
sister. They grew up on the
streets, not knowing their parents. Their
only relative was their Aunt Ruby, who was a whorehouse madam.
Ruby recently died. Bobbie
was a prostitute when she was younger (and possibly Luke?).
Both Ruby and Bobbie have been “legitimate” for a long time.
Ruby ran Kelly's Diner and now Bobbie and Luke own it but
ex-prostitute Tammy runs it for them.
Luke used to be a customer of Tammy's.
Bobbie has been a nurse for many years.
She has an adopted son, Lucas, who is diabetic. Bobbie
was married many times but most recently and for the longest to Tony
Jones, a doctor. Tony had a
daughter from his first wife, the late Tanya.
The daughter was named B.J., short for Barbara Jean (Bobbie's
real name) and Bobbie was the only mother B.J. knew.
B.J. got in a car accident and died, which slowly ripped apart Tony
and Bobbie's marriage. B.J.'s
heart was given to Felicia's ailing daughter Maxie.
Lucas was adopted illegally years ago by Bobbie but later it was
worked out to be legal, I think. He
was stolen from Cheryl, another character who had been on the show, by a
doctor who told her that the baby was dead and then sold it on the black
market. Later Cheryl found
out and took Lucas back but when she died young, she gave Lucas back to
Bobbie (my memory on this is a little hazy; Cheryl's sister Tiffany also
fought for custody). Lucas'
father was a dead mobster that Cheryl had briefly been involved with.
Tony put the final nail in the coffin by having an affair with
young Carly Benson. Later we
found out that Carly is really Bobbie's long-lost daughter that she had
to give up when she was a teen prostitute
(Bobbie also can't have any more children because of too many
abortions), and that Carly was mostly trying to get back at her mother,
whom she resented for giving her up.
Carly and Tony were briefly married but grew to hate each other.
Bobbie has custody of Lucas, but Tony has liberal visitation rights.
When Tony found out later that Carly was pregnant he went a little
crazy. He thought at first
that Michael was his so he kidnapped him later to keep Michael away from
Carly and Jason, whom he felt were unfit parents, as well as Robin
Scorpio, Jason's girlfriend who had come looking for Michael and figured
out what Tony was up to. Jason
tracked Tony down and ended up hurting
Tony's hand badly before taking Michael away.
Michael was also shot by Carly during their divorce battle.
Tony was a surgeon but his behavior and loss of his hand's use
lost him his job at GH and his visitation with Lucas, so he worked at a
clinic for a while. Eventually
he repented, got his hand back, got Lucas back, and got his job back.
Recently, Lucas' health was threatened by Helena, who made him sick so
that Tony would work for her.
Bobbie was involved with Jax's
brother Jerry and almost married him until she found out he was a crook.
Then she went back with an old love, Roy, who she thought had
been killed many years ago when he was involved with mobster Frank Smith.
Roy and Luke both worked for Frank.
But really Roy went to jail and into the witness protection
program. He had been an FBI
informant for years and fathered a daughter, Hannah, who is now an FBI
agent. Roy came to town to
help them nab Jerry but couldn't go through with it when he found out he
was about to marry Bobbie. Roy
recently was able to stop working for the FBI and can now lead a normal
life and be involved with Bobbie. He
and Luke are good friends again. Roy
worked for Sonny in his “coffee business” but now he works at Luke's
club (I think). Melissa, an old friend of Roy's, came to town and
works as a nurse at the hospital. She and Roy have rekindled their
old romance. Bobbie got angry at Roy for helping Carly do something
stupid, so they broke up.
Tony's brother was cop/spy/rock
singer Frisco Jones, and he was married to Felicia Jones; they had two
daughters, Maxie and Georgie.
The Quartermaines
The Q's are a wealthy family full of
business people and doctors.; they quarrel a lot.
The patriarch is Edward, a blustery fellow who runs the family
business ELQ. He will stop at
nothing to get what he wants and likes to throw his money around.
His sweet wife that everyone loves is Lila; she is in a wheelchair.
She can boss Edward when she wants to, though.
Edward's son is Alan, chief of staff at the hospital.
Edward had two illegitimate children, Bradley Ward and Jimmy Lee
Holt. Bradley, a local black
civil rights leader and politician, was the son of Mary Mae, a singer that
Edward fell in love with long ago. They had a steamy affair but she was
married. Edward didn't know
about Bradley until long after he had been killed.
Bradley's son is Justus Ward.
Justus is no longer on the show but he was another lawyer.
He and Edward didn't get along too well.
Edward treats his family badly.
He has always made Alan feel like a failure because he didn't go
into the family business. Jimmy
Lee was a rebel on a motorcycle that showed up in town demanding attention
in the mid-80's but he left town about 5 years later after marrying a
distant cousin.
Alan is married to Monica, another
doctor. Alan and Monica
fought for many years and cheated on each other a lot but now they are
more like a boring old couple. Alan
had a problem with drugs a few years back.
Monica had breast cancer but beat it.
They have two sons, Jason and A.J. Recently,
Alan found out that he had an illegitimate daughter, Skye, by his old
girlfriend Rae. Skye was a character on All My Children and One Life
to Live before coming onto GH. Monica, Edward, and Ned hate Skye
because she gave Emily and Zander money to leave town, which resulted in a
horrible accident that broke Emily's back and paralyzed her.
Jason was the good son with a
promising medical future until he got into a bad car accident with his
brother A.J., who was driving drunk.
Jason had major brain damage and has been a different guy ever
since. The family tends to
blame A.J. for that. A.J.
kicked alcohol for a while but recently started drinking again.
Jason, who had permanent amnesia as well, moved out of the house
because he couldn't stand his family any more
He doesn't smile much, doesn't like liars, and isn't very trusting,
but he is very loyal to his few close friends.
He got involved with mobster Sonny Corinthos for a very long time.
He calls himself Jason Morgan now (Morgan is Lila's maiden name).
Jason and A.J. fought over a woman named Carly.
Carly, who had previously been sleeping with Tony Jones, had a baby
and told everyone it was Jason's. Jason
didn't contradict her, and since he didn't think much of the Q's, they
lived together for a while and he helped raise her baby, Michael.
Carly wanted Jason to love her but he was already in love with
Robin Scorpio. Still, Carly's
manipulations caused Robin and Jason to permanently break up.
But Robin did tell A.J. that Michael was his.
Fearing a custody battle, Carly embarked on a weird plan to marry
A.J. and pretend to have a falling out with Jason, so that she could later
get A.J. to prove he was a drunken bum and thus an unfit father.
It didn't work out quite like she planned.
She ended up having a wild night of sex with Sonny, which caused
her to get pregnant again. In
the meantime, A.J. was trying to make it work with her, so they slept
together. Jason left town
after seeing her and Sonny together.
In the end, Carly left the Quartermaine house with her baby, thanks
to Sonny. He was able to
blackmail A.J. into signing an agreement that Carly would have full
custody of Michael with no visits from A.J.
This rocked A.J.'s world so that's why he started drinking
again. He also lost his
long-coveted job as CEO of ELQ. Later,
Carly lost the baby when she and A.J. were having a fight at the top of
the stairs and she fell. She
blamed A.J., but Sonny wouldn't harm A.J. because of Michael.
Jason left town and Carly and Sonny
tried to have a normal marriage, but rival mobster Sorel was a constant
threat. Carly betrayed Sonny, with the help of Roy, by trying to get
him to snitch on his mob friends so they could join the witness protection
program and be safe. Sonny won't forgive betrayal so now they are
getting divorced. Carly tried everything she could to win him back.
Sorel tried to kill Sonny a few times;
once, he stabbed him in the back and left him for dead, but Sorel's
daughter Angel rescued Sonny and took him to her house in the woods.
Sonny and Angel are attracted to each other. Sorel tried to kill
Carly and Zander, but Sonny rescued them and blew up a bomb. Sorel
ended up in the hospital and then someone murdered him.
Ned is the son of Tracey, Edward and
Lila's daughter, and her husband Larry Ashton.
He has had many occupations but lately has been mainly a
businessman and singing star. When
he was trying to relax from being CEO of ELQ years ago, he started singing
as leather pants-wearing Eddie Main. That is where he met his wife Lois, a
band manager. Lois, Ned, and
their friend Brenda formed L&B records.
Ned now runs L&B with Alexis as his primary occupation,
although he sometimes still sings. Ned
is basically a good guy but can sometimes be a cad (he learned his lesson
after a few marriages). Both
Ned and Alexis consider themselves the “Gatekeepers” for their
respective families, being the ones who keep outsiders and trouble away
from the family, even though they also despise their roles and sometimes
resent their families. Ned,
like everyone else, has trouble getting along with Edward.
Edward is always trying to get him back into the family business.
Ned is remarkably well-adjusted for someone who rarely saw his
parents when growing up. His
mother Tracey is a cold shrew and had more interest in the family business
than raising him, and his father Larry is a feckless, shallow kind of guy.
He rarely sees either of them.
Tracey sometimes comes into town and tries to control Ned's love
A.J. is a complicated guy.
He and Jason were raised in boarding schools and resent their
family quite a bit. A.J. is
always looking for love and respect from his family, but rarely gets it
(especially in the ways he wants it).
He feels as if he has been treated like “the bad son” and Jason
was “the good son”, which is ironic since Jason was the result of
Alan's affair with Susan Moore and A.J. is legitimate.
His parents often argue about how to handle him, even though he's
grown up.
He often is spoiled and feels sorry for himself a lot,
especially when drinking. Deep
down he's a nice guy but he doesn't let too many people see that side
of him. He is often reckless
and foolish. He was chasing after FBI agent Hannah, even though she'd made it clear
that she was involved with cop Taggert and only wanted A.J. for a friend.
Eventually, Hannah left town. Lately, A.J. has been trying to
find a way to get his son Michael back from Carly. Skye has been
helping him by pretending to help Carly.
Emily is Monica and Alan's adopted
daughter. Her mother died of
breast cancer about the time Monica had the disease.
She had a drug problem in the past.
Her first love was rock singer Juan, but he didn't treat her well
and then she fell for Zander, so Juan left.
She has been friends for a long time with Lucky, and she used to
have a crush on Nikolas. She
hung out with them, Elizabeth and Gia.
She and Zander fell deeply in love and tried to protect each other
from Sorel. Currently the character is recuperating in rehab; the
actress has left the show so we don't know if Emily will be recast or
not. Zander has been in the hospital, too, but his wounds are not
that serious. It will be interesting to see how he lets Emily go, if
the role is not recast. Zander was a drug dealer for Sorel but he
has reformed and is a good guy now, but not everyone wants to believe
Reginald is the family butler.
He often makes sarcastic comments, especially to Edward.
At one point he was dating Leticia, the woman who takes care of Carly's
baby, Michael, but they haven't shown her in a long time.
Chloe is a cousin to the Q's from
Lila's side of the family but she is very fond of them, especially
Edward and Lila because she grew up listening to her mother read their old
love letters.
She was in love with Jasper Jacks, whose nickname is Jax.
They had had many trials and tribulations including having to
marry Ned and Alexis in order to keep Chloe's aunt from stealing her
company, and Chloe being near-death.
Chloe was run down by Helena's car (Helena thought she was
Alexis) and almost died. She
has a brain condition that caused her to lose her eyesight for a while and
she needs a drug to cure this problem.
Jax is a corporate raider and rich adventurous guy from Australia.
He first came to town to woo Ned's wife Lois but quickly fell in
love with Brenda Barrett, Lois' partner.
He almost married Brenda but that was interrupted.
Later, Brenda died and he mourned her for a long time before Chloe
came along.
Jax owns some ELQ stock and is often trying to take over the
company. He has two
fun-loving parents, Jane and John Jacks, and a brother named Jerry.
Jerry had to leave town quickly because of some legal
Jax found out Brenda might be alive,
so he ran off looking for her, leaving poor Chloe alone. She was
kidnapped by Stefan, who wanted to use her psychic powers (that she got
from her brain tumor) against Helena. They grew very close (Chloe
didn't know he had kidnapped her) until eventually, they had to leave
their island and come back to civilization, where she found out the
truth. They seemed to be growing closer again because Stefan was
trying to be a nicer person and she was helping him, but she recently
found out that Stefan was the one who set up a Brenda-look-alike to get rid
of Jax in the first place, and he sent Chloe a fake Dear John letter from
Jax as well.
It was recently revealed that Helena
Cassadine had, over the years, built a secret laboratory underneath the
hospital and was using some drugs or something to bring her son, Stavros,
back to life (he broke his neck in a fall while fighting Luke in the early
80's; she somehow froze him and cured him). Stavros has been causing
trouble in their elaborate revenge plot. He helped break up Stefan
and Chloe. He hates his younger brother Stefan, for many reasons,
and the feeling is mutual. Most hated is Luke, his arch enemy.
Helena and Stavros have poisoned Luke, who is slowly losing his mind in
the process but can't tell anyone about the poison, apparently.
Nikolas, Stavro's son, has been pretending to want to be a Cassadine so
that he and Elizabeth can help Lucky get rid of Helena's mind
control. Lucky injected Luke with the poison while under Helena's
control. Luke is so far the only one who knows that Stavros is
alive. Stavros has been calling himself "Lucian
Kane". He has also been dating Gia, whom Nikolas broke up
with so he could complete his masquerade. He and Gia are in love but
Gia is hurt that he broke up with her and said he doesn't know her.
The Corinthos
Sonny is a mobster, but a nice guy basically. He was raised in a poor section of New York
and his father left him and his mom early. Today Sonny has an on-again,
off-again relationship with Mike Corbin, his repentant dad.
Mike's only problem nowadays is that he has a gambling problem so Sonny
has often had to bail him out. When Sonny was young, his step dad Deke beat Sonny (and
his mom) and left him a closet a lot, so he has some issues with violence. He also has
issues with authority in general and specifically Marcus Taggert, a local cop who is always
trying to arrest or harass Sonny. Deke was Taggert's mentor so he sees a different side of
the issue than Sonny. Sonny fought back early on and joined the mob and now he controls
a large part of the eastern seaboard, or at least it seems that way, and part of Puerto Rico
as well. Even though he is a mobster, he never is involved in drugs or prostitution, and he
never does violence himself (to make him more sympathetic, I suppose). Sonny used to
run a strip club called the Paradise Club that young Karen Wexler worked in (she's in Port
Charles now). He also slept with her and gave her drugs, but they changed his character
and now he's more of a good guy mobster. He had a young runaway friend named Stone
that Sonny took in. Stone eventually died of AIDS from when he used to be an IV drug
user. This tragedy along with others has marked Sonny for life. He was briefly married to Lily, a mob boss's daughter, even though he didn't
love her at the time. Eventually he came to love her, although not as much as
Brenda Barrett. He was going to leave her for Brenda when he found out she was pregnant. Lily and the baby
were killed in a car bomb meant for him, from her father. His
big love was Brenda and they had a stormy, passionate relationship. He didn't trust her for a
while and then when they finally did get together, other things came between them. He left
town for awhile and tried to give up the mob life, and in doing so also gave up Brenda, to
protect her. When he came back to town, they made peace, before she died suddenly in a
car wreck. Sonny has had bouts of manic depression and has come close to suicide a few times when he has lost loved ones.
He got Carly pregnant and then she lost the child. He really wants to be a father so this has been hard for him. He is virtually a father to Carly's baby Michael.
Lately he seems to be thinking that maybe you can't have children in his
line of work (took him long enough!). He and Carly got together almost by accident (he hated her) but once she got pregnant they
started to fall for each other. Losing the baby made things difficult but he
was still very protective of her and loves her, even though it took him a
long time to say it. There are many people in town either fear or respect Sonny. He has tried to make some good will by doing
things like giving money to the Pediatric AIDS foundation. He owns some ELQ stock,
Carly has grown a lot since she joined the show. She has always been a lying,
manipulative slut. Then she and Bobbie got close, mainly because of Carly's son Michael.
Carly can be very vulnerable and has spent her life looking for love (something she and A.J.
had in common). She thought she had finally found it in Sonny. She also really enjoys having
money and nice things, and also being a mom. A lot of people in town don't like or respect
her because of all the things she has done and said. The Quartermaines often try to
take away Michael and at the very least look down on her, so she doesn't get along with
them, either (except for Lila). Carly has gotten her act together, pretty much, but
it took her a long time to recover from losing her baby. She almost shot A.J. but Sonny stopped her. Sonny and
Carly have a nanny, Leticia, who helps take care of Michael. Carly got
Sonny to buy into Deception for her but she and Laura didn't get along and
I think Laura owns it all now, thanks to Sonny.
Sonny has assorted bodyguards, including Johnny, his main guy. Sonny sometimes
fatherly to Juan. Juan was Lily's son by rock star Miguel (Ricky Martin). Juan was taken
from them by her mobster father and given to someone else to adopt. When Lily and
Miguel finally found him, they decided to leave Juan in the loving home he knew. Juan
came to town when he found out who he really was. Taggert
also had taken Juan under his wing as a surrogate father.
FBI agent Hannah came to town to help the FBI get Sonny for his mob activities, but she
ended up falling in love with him. He found out who she was and didn't believe her when
she tried to explain that she loved him. He booted her out. She looked a lot like his previous
love Brenda. Hannah got over Sonny and had an affair with Taggert before
leaving town.
Mike, Sonny's dad, dates ex-hooker Tammy and helps run the bar on Port Charles known
as The Recovery Room (near the hospital). Other than that they don't give him much to do.
The Scorpios and
Mac Scorpio came to town involved in nefarious activities (he was a
mercenary) but stayed and became a good guy, in fact he's police
commissioner (for a short time, he quit to become a private eye, but he's
back). His brother,
Robert, had been police commissioner before him.
Robert and his wife Anna (another ex-police commissioner) died on a
boat explosion while chasing bad guy Cesar Faison.
They left a teenage daughter, Robin, whom Mac helped raise.
Mac and Robert are from Australian and Mac knew Jax from there as
well (but they weren't friends). Mac
married Felicia years ago and helped to raise her daughters.
Now he and Felicia are getting divorced but he is still a father to
them. Mac is also good
friends with Kevin Collins, a psychiatrist who mostly is on “Port
Mac, Felicia, Kevin and Lucy used to have some fun adventures.
Cesar Faison showed up a few years ago (but died again) and Anna has
resurfaced as well (although on All My Children) and been reunited with
Robin, but not Mac so far.
Felicia has always been interested in
adventure and the men associated with it.
Raised by her grandmother Mariah, she was descended from Aztec
Princesses. She first
came to the show looking for an ancient treasure stolen from her family
and ended up falling for Frisco Jones, who has had many adventurous
occupations. But the
adventure also took Frisco away from her so they eventually broke up.
She married Mac, the ex-mercenary.
Whereas Mac seemed to take to the family lifestyle fairly easily,
it has been hard for Felicia who still wants to have adventures.
She cares a lot about her children but has been having a sort of
midlife crisis lately. First
she and Mac were detectives together for a while, and then when he got the
police job it sort of left her with nothing to do.
She tried to be a writer and they had problems when she exposed
herself to dangers in order to “research”.
Finally she ended up writing Lila Quartermaine's memoirs, and
that led to some adventures with Luke Spencer when they went to
investigate an old mystery associated with Lila's past.
They grew close and were obviously attracted to each other and the
That and helping Luke look for his kidnapped son took her
away from her family for long periods of time.
Mac disapproved but despite his objections, she kept running off
with Luke. This led to not
only the breakup of her marriage but also problems with her children.
Mac insisted on a divorce so she went ahead and slept with
Luke, even though she had been faithful all that time.
She is trying to patch up problems with her daughters.
Felicia and Mac seemed to be getting
back together but right now they're just friends. Luke and Felicia
go back and forth about whether they're getting together or not.
Recently, when Luke was out of his mind with poison, he said some really
awful things to Felicia, so she's through with him, for now.
Taggert was Mac's right-hand man, a good detective.
Sometimes Taggert can go too far and lose his good judgment,
especially where Sonny is concerned, but he is very law-abiding and
basically a good guy. He was
involved for a while with ADA Dara Jensen and then Hannah.
Past GH Plots
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