General Hospital Daily Poetry and Haiku From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Poetry Page

General Hospital Poetry and Haiku!

Poetry by Francheska

Rising Love

Will and Sonny met about a year ago. It started off as friendship. Sonny was there for Will through the highs and the lows.

Will was quite confused. He didn't know who he was, but would soon come to realize gender doesn't matter when it comes to love.

After some soul searching, he came out to a few. Before he knew it, everyone knew.

His parents were as always up and down, but through it all, Sonny was around.

His feelings for Will would soon begin to rise. At first for Will it came as a surprise.

But with the help of friends, they would soon get together, forming a love that will hopefully be forever.

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Page updated 11/10/12

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