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The General Hospital Fan Fiction Page

Fun General Hospital Stories!

"Autumn in Oyster Bay"
A Love Story
Chapter 1
By Camille

Ned Ashton invited his old boarding school and college buddy, and corporate raider extraordinaire, Jasper Jacks, to an old but immaculately kept estate belonging to his family, ostensibly so the two could reconnect and renew an old friendship but also to discuss plans for their new joint business venture. But they would not be alone at the estate......

While servants delivered their bags to their respective rooms upstairs, Jax joined Ned on a secluded , shady terrace for a refreshing cocktail. As he stepped out into the dappled sunlight, he noticed that his friend was not alone. A shapely redhead with soulful emerald green eyes and an hourglass figure was laughing delightedly at something Ned had whispered in her ear.

Ned smiled at Jax and waved him over casually. “Jasper Jacks, meet Isabel Morgan. She’s a cousin of mine, from my grandmother Lila’s side of the family," Ned began, adding to Isabel, “Isabel, meet Jasper Jax. He’s an old friend of mine."

Jax smiled his devastating, intoxicating smile at the redhead. “It’s Jax. I don’t like formalities,” he said to her.

“Same here. Call me Izzy,” she replied." After drinks, there’s a clam bake and oyster roast at the lake, if you want to come. Nothing fancy, just some friends who are helping me restore the farmhouse.”

Jax looked at Ned questioningly. "Izzy’s restoring an old farmhouse near the lake. She’s staying here until the renovations are complete.”

“I’ll show you both the place later, too, if you want,” Izzy offered.

Both men nodded their assent and smiled.

Izzy finished her glass of Chardonnay and smiled, rising from the table.

“Sunset, at the lake’s edge," she reminded the men." Later."

Over her shoulder she called, “Nice meeting you, Jax,” before she disappeared from view.

                                                                                                             Next Chapter

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