General Hospital
Fan Descriptions and Photos!
By Lisa May 2004
It was a warm Saturday morning. I arrived at the Erin and Brian Presley
breakfast at 8am at the Hard Rock Cafe at 57th and Broadway. There was a
buffet breakfast of bacon and eggs, cereal, French toast, bagels, yogurt,
and Danish pastry. The Presleys arrived around 9:30. They sat on stools
front of us and asked if there were any questions. I sat right in front.
was a small intimate group, which was nice. The big question was what
was doing. Erin talked about her pilot( DOTS) which was not picked up by
Then she went into a long explanation as to why we are not seeing our PC
favorites so quickly. She explained the audition process and how hard it
is to
narrow down from 600 actors to 1. She did a cast run down of activity--Rebecca Stabb (Elizabeth-her mom) is traveling, Thorsten Kaye (Ian) is on All my
Children, Kelly
Monaco is on GH, Jay, Nolan and Kiko did an independent film, Jon
Lindstrom (Kevin) is directing, and Lynn Herring is at her ranch. After
this, they mingled by
going to each table and chatting for awhile. It was a fun morning. Their
families were there as well and would you believe, Erin's mom and sister
exactly like her-bet you can pick them out. I have picture of me with them,
too, but I
photograph horribly. Here are some nice pics.
Hope they are good-I am kind of new at this but with a little experience I
will get better.
Lisa Neal
Click on the thumbnail to see the larger pic!
See autographs from the
Presleys from that event
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Page updated 5/23/12