2004 General Hospital Fanclub Weekend From The TV MegaSite

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The GH Fanclub weekend 2004 From Lisa

Lisa interviewed Wally Kurth (Ned), where he talked about his foundation.

Info about the Foundation 

Direct quotes from Wally Kurth

 "We are non-profit and at the end of the year all the money we raise, we then donate to other children's charities.  We consider ourselves a children's children's charities, everything does go to different charities.  We've helped or in the past, we started out helping out the Ryan White Foundation, pediatric AIDS and now we donate to cystic fibrosis in Montana; we help out an organization in Santa Cruz, kids with cancer, make a wish, Jacob's Heart from Santa Cruz, Sunshine Kids, Brian's House."

 Future Plans

"One of the things that we are going to try to do in the future, we were talking about this, is really try to, since we are a musical entity, Kurth & Taylor, we want to supply and gather CD's, used DVD's, other things music and other stuff for some of these places so they'll have a great library of music, DVD players for the kids to have in their room."

Later on, Kurth plans to implement the CD music/movie idea by asking fans at future events to donate their old CD's and DVD's players, walkmans etc.  This foundation plans to take this new phase to an international level, citing daughter, Meghan's orphanage work in Africa, where music, movies and electronic devices would be welcome.

Here are some other pictures that Lisa took of GH stars at the weekend!  Click on the thumbnail to see the full view.

Greg Vaughan (Lucky)

Catherine Wadkins (Mary)

John J. York (Mac)

Rick Hearst (Ric)

Ron Hale (Mike)

Some comments from Lisa about the weekend:

Bingo night was fun. I did not win, but it was fun. My friend won. It was hysterical. They had a bingo paddle and they paddled anyone who said bingo but did not have bingo. Then they offered the first person to bid $100 to get paddled by Wally Kurth. The winner bent over and he paddled her three times. I did not bid in time. I am not kidding. This happened and everyone loved it. One girl bid $500 for the shirt off Wally's back. Not only did she take off the shirt, but she went inside the shirt with him. Exciting evening. Can you print this?-well, it really happened!!!

GH party-I won a silent auction bid. Spent $500 to have my picture in Soaps in Depth with my fave GH actor, who is John J. York and he gave me a BIG hug too-all worth it. I mean he gave me a bear hug-wow!!! He is so sweet. As I worked one side of the room, several actors already left before I could get a picture such as Jed Allen and Lindsey Leatherman. There are a couple of good pictures with me with the actors. It was hard getting them alone-I tried between fans but not easy. Couple of good ones. Great one of Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) and family.

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