2017 GHFW - General Hospital Fan Events From The TV MegaSite

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 General Hospital Fan Club Weekend 2017 by Nikky

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Nikky with RyanMy 5th GHFCW started on Thursday, August 3rd with Ryan Carnes’ (Dr. Lucas Jones) event.  Ryan is an accomplished drummer, currently playing in two different bands.  Ryan was gracious enough to share his love of and talent drumming with his fans for around an hour and a half!  Ryan shared his favorite song to play was Shimmer by Fuel and played a bit for us.  He told his fan the story of how in April he was in New York for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and he saw Miles Schon, the son of Neal Schon – Journey’s guitarist.  Ryan and Miles got to talking about Ryan being a drummer and Miles mentioned they didn’t have a drummer.  Miles asked Ryan if he knew “Don’t Stop Believin’”   Ryan said of course and then went to the men’s room and listened to the song a few times to make sure he really knew it!  Sadly, he was never asked to play with them.  Ryan kept extra drum sticks nearby as he often breaks or just completely loose them.  It was an awesome experience to get to see Ryan play live.  After Ryan was done playing, there was a meet and greet.  Fans got to chat with Ryan and get items signed as well as a photo with Ryan at his drum set!

My second event of GHFCW was on Friday, August 4th when I saw Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis)  Nancy is always a joy to see.  She chatted with her fans about the show, her vacation, and what is going on in her life.  Nancy served her fans giant pizza!  Each fan got a raffle ticket and every single fan walked away with something!  (I walked away with a photo!)  The event ended with fans getting a picture and autograph from Nancy.

My third GHFCW event was also on Friday, the long awaited “Celebrity Bingo” was back!  Hosted by Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton Quartermaine)Watkins, Duell and Kurth with Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine), Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos Quartermaine) and Leslie Charleson (Monica Quartermaine).  “Celebrity Bingo” is actually Drag Queen bingo!  Quite risky however a lot of fun!  Roxy was our drag queen for the evening and help the actors call the bingo numbers.    Once Bingo was over, it was time for the meet and greet.  I first went to meet Roxy who was very nice to take pictures with fans.  Next up was Rob.  I got selfies with Rob knowing I’d see him later in the weekend for a real picture.  Next up was a selfie with Chad.  Dylan Cash (ex-Michael Corinthos Quartermaine) crashed the event.  Having met Dylan a few years ago, I stopped by to say hello and get a picture.  It was getting late in the evening and I could not pass up the opportunity to meet Leslie so I got in her line next.  She was overwhelmed with all the fans wanting to meet her.  It ended up to be after midnight (the time the event was to end) so we had to go in the hall.  I was second in line to meet her when a young man walked up to her and said “Hi Grandma”  Leslie stared at him for a second and realized it was Dylan.  She was so happy to see him and didn’t want to let him go.  It was the sweetest moment to witness and capture with some photos.  I finally was able to meet Leslie, get a picture and autograph.  Unfortunately I was not able to see Wally.

Samuel, Storms, Stuart, Turner & WatkinsSaturday, August 5th was the main cast event.  My fourth event of the weekend.  This year, things were done a little different.  Fans had the option to opt out of lunch this year, however had to still be in the ballroom as there were some activities taking place during this time.  Fans who opted out of the lunch were seated along the wall.  Fans eating lunch where seated at tables that were in the middle of the room.  Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos), Lisa LoCicero (Oliva Falconeri Ashton/Quartermaine), Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos Quartermaine), Dominic Zamprogna (Dante Falconeri) and James DePaiva (Dr. Bensch) came out first to chat a bit with the fans while we ate.  Shortly after, Michael Easton (Dr. Hamilton Finn) also joined them.  They left and Kin Shriner (Scotty Baldwin) joined the fans to chat about his 40 years on the show!  They asked him to pull the winning 50/50 raffle ticket and he joked he had a ticket with those numbers on it!  Kin went back to join the rest of the actors for official introductions.  Instead of having the actors stand in front, they walked around the perimeter of the room.  Depending on where you were sitting and where the actors ended up meant if you had a good view or not.  I did not like this new set up and I hope with some feedback it can be made into something great for the fans.  One good thing for me was I bid on and won Lucy’s (Lynn Herring) ring in a silent auction! 

This year there seemed to be fewer actors.  While I was happy to see everyone I got to see, there is always that twinge of disappointment when certain actors are not there.  James left prior to autographs.   The actors who stayed for autographs in no particular order were:  Michael, Kin, Carolyn Hennesy (Diane Miller), Kathleen Gati (Dr. Liesl Obrecht), Wil deVry (Julian Jerome), Haley Pullos (Molly Lansing Davis), Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix DuBois), James Patrick Stuart (Valentin Cassadine), Donnell Turner (Curtis Ashford), Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones West), Dominic, Maurice, Chad, Risa Dorken (Amy Driscoll), Dioni Michelle Collins (Nurse Deanna), Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton Quartermaine), Lisa, Hayley Erin (Kiki Jerome), Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine), Ryan Carnes (Dr. Lucas Jones), Chloe Lanier (Nelle Hayes / Young Patricia Spencer), Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina Corinthos-Davis), Ashley Jones (Parker Forsyth), Hudson West (Jake Spencer), Scarlett Fernandez (Charlotte Cassadine), Brooklyn Rae Silzer (Emma Drake) and her sister Londyn was also there, Eden McCoy (Josslyn Jacks) and Garren Stitt (Oscar Nero).

There were a few actors I had not met yet who I wanted to and others ISamuel & Nikky wanted to see again, so off I went.  I stopped by to say hello to Marc first.  Always a sweetheart.  Next up was James, I had never met him before.  We chatted a bit about when he was on All My Children and how I cannot recall his character.  Next up was Hudson.  I told him I think he’s doing such a great job.  Brooklyn was next along with her sister Londyn.  I told them I loved their names!  Scarlett, another one I had never met before was up next.  All these little kids do such a great job with grown up things!  Eden was next, she asked how I liked the show.  I told her I loved when they were looking for Sonny and Nelle was going to leave and Joslynn said, don’t go and the look on Carly’s face!  I also told her how Oscar reminds me so much of Rafe.  Eden said Haley was telling her the same thing.  Speaking of Oscar, Garren was right next to Eden, so I met him as well.  Next up was Hayley.  I got selfies with her since I knew I’d see her later that day for a real picture.  I had found a stuff cat on line whose name is Kiki.  I shared it with her via a tweet and she said she was in love so I had to buy it for her.  And she did love it!  While I was chatting with Hayley, Rob said hello.  I said ‘it’s been so long since I’ve seen you’ I had to explain to Hayley not only had I seen Rob the night before, I saw him in the hall on Thursday.  The second year in a row we ran into each other in the hall.  I had purchased a Killon bag prior to the event and got Hayley to sign it.  She loved it and said she’d take it to the store shopping.  Unknown to me, Rob had taken an Instagram story of Hayley and I, so I was Instagram famous for a day.  I went to Rob next.  I apologized for not being able to go to his event with Wil deVry which took place during the same time as Ryan’s event on Thursday.  I told Rob that he and Ryan are my favorites so it was very hard to be at one event while the other was going on.  I joked with him about running into him in the hall for a second year in a row.  Rob loved my Killon bag and took a picture of it.  I got a picture with him and then asked if I could have one with him, me and Ryan which both actors happily agreed.  Ryan was next for a solo pic.  Risa was my next stop.  I chatted with her about how we look like we could be related in my pic from last year and she said it keeps showing up on social media!   I took to Carolyn next.  She looked through my Shutterfly book from the last event I saw her at (“I Want More” in October in NJ)  I told her I just saw her on Jessie a few days ago.  Kathleen was next.  So unlike her character, a pleasure to see and I don’t get to see her nearly enough.  I thought Haley left because they moved her (she was in a corner next to Wil who had an extreme line) so I was glad to find her.  She took a picture of my photo book which had pictures of us and Jimmy Deshler (ex-Rafe Kovich Jr)  She said she was going to send him the picture.  She said he was in Minnesota for the summer otherwise he would have been there.  By this point even though it was only 2pm and the event was to go to 3:30pm, a lot of actors lines had been closed or they actor had left.  There was no one left I wanted to see so I went back in Ryan’s line to get a selfie with him.

Although the main cast event was over, my Saturday was not!  Up next was ‘Paint and Dine’ with Brytni Sarpy (Valerie Spencer), Chloe Lanier (Nelle Hayes / Young Patricia Spencer), and Hayley Erin (Kiki Jerome)  The event started with a Q&A.  Hayley said everyone knew she was getting engaged but her.  Her fiancé had the ring for over a year and he even took it to the yearly cleaning.  Chloe said she can’t keep a secret.  Brytni will be airing again very soon.  Chloe talked about being on Army Wives, Brytni talked about being the movie “You, Again” with Kirsten Bell (at which time Hayley said “Princess Anna”) and Hayley talked about being on “The Young & the Restless”  Speaking of “The Young & the Restless” , Camryn Grimes (Mariah Copeland) stopped by!  Her and Hayley had become friends doing an event a few months ago in Florida.  Hayley’s fiancé also stopped by.

Soon it was time to paint!  We had an instruction who told us what to do.  Some of us did better than others!  Once we were done painting, it was raffle time.  When I won my first raffle Brytni asked me what I got.  It happened to be a magnet of her so I went “you”  LOL!  I also got a shirt with Hayley on it and I was so happy.  Hayley goes “I’m going to sign that” which she did along with adding my name and some hearts during the meeting and greet.  I got individual pictures and a group pictures.  I also got a picture with Camryn, so nice of her to take photos with everyone!

Sunday held three events for me.  The first was “Fun With Your Besties” with Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones West) and Emme Rylan (Lulu Spencer Falconeri). The event started with the girls talking and a Q&A.  Both talked about their kids.  This was only the 2nd time Emme was away from her daughter.  She asked her boyfriend to send her pictures and he sent her pictures of their two sons instead!  Kirsten talked about Harper’s first day at preschool.  The girls talked about their love of crafting.  Kirsten asked Frank if she could make a wall hanging for Maxie and he said no!  They made pillows to sell to fans at the event!  And yes, I bought one.  Of course there was chatter about the show!  Soon it was time for the meet and greet.  I was able to get single photos and a photo with each girl as well as autographs.  They were also able to sign the pillows they made!

Event number two of the day was Bradford Anderson’s.  Bradford explained why he could not play Spinelli for Maxie and Nathan’s wedding.  He talked about how he will be back in Port Charles soon.  We also chatted about how TV viewing has changed over the years. 

Four people went back at a time for a meet and greet.  Bradford is sure to look every person in the eye when he talks to them.  He is so personable and just incredibility nice.  I only wish it had not taken me so many years to attend one of his events.  Now I will try to attend all I can!  I told him I really enjoy the Port Chuck concert last year in NJ.

My last event for GHFCW 2017 was karaoke.  This year it was hosted by Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix DuBois), Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina Corinthos-Davis), Ryan Carnes (Dr. Lucas Jones) and Dioni Michelle Collins (Nurse Deanna) (Side note:  Parry Shen (Brad Cooper) was not able to attend GHFCW this year due to a prior family commitment.  I have not heard why Sonya Eddy (Epiphany Johnson) was not able to attend)

This year the crowd was much smaller.  Unlike in years past where tables came up to sing, anyone could come up whenever they wanted.  This worked well due to the size of the crowd and I also know some people don’t feel comfortable going up to sing, even in a large group.  Since it’s a larger crowd, I don’t mind and I go up to have fun!  After a bit of the crowd singing along with the stars it was time for the lip sync competition!  In order to give the stars time to get ready, special guest Bradford Anderson (Damien Spinelli) sang for the crowd!!  Ryan was up first this year.  Ryan walks in wearing leather pants, ripped t-shirt and long black hair.  Had I not know it was him, I probably wouldn’t have recognized him!  Ryan performed “Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi complete with lap dances and table dancing!  Up next was Dioni who got pulled into this pretty last minute.  With that being said, she totally rocked “Proud Mary/Rolling on the River” by Tina Turner.  Third was Lexi with Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”  Last up was Marc with “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson including some pretty great dance moves!

Since it was getting fairly late in the evening, the meet and greet started.  I went to see Marc first.  We tried to take a selfie but he was terrible at it!  So we just got a real picture.  Since I started my weekend with Ryan, I had to end it with him as well.  I got a few last photos with Ryan still dressed as a 90’s rocker before saying goodbye to GHFCW 2017.

I’m already looking forward to next year!

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