2016 Fantasy Weekend From The TV MegaSite

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GH Fantasy Weekend 3
Sunday, April 10, 2016
New Jersey Super Event
Ramada/Fairbridge Hotel, 130 Route 10, East Hanover, NJ

Pictures & Narrative by Nikky
[Click on each photo for full size]

Hosted by Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine) & Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos), with Ryan Carnes (Dr. Lucas Jones), Rebecca Budig (Hayden Cassadine/Rachel Berlin), Vinessa Antoine (Jordan Ashford), Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine), Ryan Paevey (Nathan West), Finola Hughes (Anna Devane), William DeVry (Julian Jerome), Brandon Barash (ex-Johnny Zacchara), & Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones)

I attended my second GH Fantasy Weekend event in East Hanover, NJ on Sunday, April 10.  There were four different types of tickets a fan could buy for this event.  Platinum which entitled you to an early meet and greet and the Q&A show, VIP which entitled you to the Q&A and a group photo (no autographs), just the Q&A or post platinum which was the Q&A and a meet and greet after.  I chose the Platinum.  Living about two hours away, I stayed the night in order to be in line an hour before doors opened.  I was determined to get a good seat for the Q&A, which I did!

After everyone had filed in and taken their seat, the fans were broken into four groups and each group directed to a corner of the room.  This year the fans would just continue to move unlike last year where the stars moved.  And the stars had tables this year unlike last year.  This was such an improvement, the process was smooth, effective and quick!

Once all the fans were in their corners, the stars came in.  I was very close to the door so I got to see everyone come in.  Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos) said Hi to me.  I noticed that Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) didn’t come in.  We were advised she had a migraine and would be down later.  She did join towards the end of the Q&A, so unfortunately I did not get to see her one on one.

                  Tyler Christopher (Nikolas), Rebecca Budig (Hayden), Laura Wright (Carly), Ryan Paevey (Nathan), William deVry (Julian), & Brandon Barash (ex-Johnny)

The actors in my corner were Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine) and Rebecca Budig (Hayden Barnes). Tyler was first.  He said he liked my Shutterfly book, which consisted of pictures from last year’s GH Fantasy Weekend.  He signed the book and we took a picture, which sadly turned out blurry.  This is the second blurry picture I have with Tyler. The next star was Rebecca.  She was very sweet and even asked for the spelling of my name.  I had her sign my GH People magazine and also got a picture with her.

Next up was Ryan Pavey (Nathan West) and Laura.  They were flip flopping back and forth to keep the line moving, so I ended up seeing Laura first.  On Friday she had posted photos saying she couldn’t wait till GH Fantasy in Cleveland and Chicago because Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton) was also going to be there.  She posted two photos of her laughing with Wally and one happened to look exactly like one I had taken at GH Fantasy last year in NJ.  I said something to her and she said it was mine!  She said she took it and cropped and used it!  I had her sign my Shutterfly book from last year’s GH Fantasy Weekend and we took a picture. Next was Ryan P.  We chatted a bit and got a picture.  He signed both my last year’s GH Fantasy weekend Shutterfly book and a picture I won at a raffle at GH Fan Club weekend last year.

The next group was Wil deVry (Julian Jerome), Brandon Barash (Johnny Zacchara), and Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine).  Wil was trying to work ahead so he had actually moved away from the table.  He remembered me, and we talked a bit about LA and his event at this year’s GH Fan Club Weekend.  I had him sign my book from last year’s GH Fan Club weekend and totally forgot to get him to sign my GH Fantasy weekend book!  The evolution of my pictures with Wil has my putting his head on his shoulder, so I went all in and finally got my head on his shoulder. Brandon was up next, and I am very surprised he also remembered me.  The person who tried to take a pic with my camera kept getting it blurry so he took a selfie!  I had him sign my GH Fan Club weekend book.

                                  Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon), Finola Hughes (Anna), Vinessa Antoine (Jordan), & Ryan Carnes (Lucas)

Rob was up next.  He also remembered me and gave me a hug.  He tried to eat my hair though, I have no idea how he ended up pulling my hair and getting my hair in his mouth.  I had him take a selfie, and we got a picture taken by someone else.  He signed my GH Fan Club weekend book and a picture I purchased at the event.  I told him I’d see him in LA. The final group was Finola Hughes (Anna Devane), Ryan Carnes (Dr. Lucas Jones), and Vinessa Antoine (Jordan Ashford). Finola was first.  I had her sign the Shutterfly book I made with photos from her event in November with Ian Buchanan (ex-Duke Lavery) We also got a picture but it was blurry as well.  Ryan C was slow so fans were flip flopping, and I got Vinessa next.   I had her sign my Shutterfly book which had pictures from Jeffrey’s event last year.  She said it was a fun event.  We also got a picture together.

Saving the best for last was Ryan C.  He said “Hey” when he saw me I got a LONG hug from him.  I said to him he finally made it to NJ, and he said yeah, like a year and a half later.  [He and Jackie Zeman (Bobbie) were supposed to do an event in February of 2015 which was postponed due to snow.  It was rescheduled for September of 2015 and then it was canceled altogether.]  We talked for probably longer than we should have, standing very close with him staring into my eyes, and I can’t really remember anything we talked about!  I had a photo I bought off eBay of him from a few years ago, and it had his résumé attached to it, and he couldn’t believe I had gotten it, he took pictures of it.  I had him sign that along with my GH Fan Club Weekend book.  I said our selfie looked cute and he agreed.  He took a selfie and we got a real picture.  I told him I’d see him in LA.

Once all the fans met them, the stars went to have lunch and the fans had about an hour break before the Q&A started.  This allowed time for the other fans to come in.  There was also a selfie contest during this time.  I posted one selfie I took of just myself and the three I had gotten with stars.  They announced the winner after the Q&A, but sadly I did not win.

Soon it was time for the stars!!  Laura (Carly) and Tyler (Nikolas) were the first ones to come out since they are the “hosts” They couldn’t get the mics to work at first, but before long they were up and running.  They introduced the stars and out came Finola, Rob, Ryan C, Rebecca, Ryan P, Brandon, Vinessa, and Wil.  Fans had a chance to ask the actors questions.  I can’t recall them all, but here is what I remember in no particular order.

Laura said when she was recast in the role, she wanted to keep the history of Carly that Sarah Joy Brown and Tamara Braun had given her, but she also wanted to give Carly some humor.  After a few months, GH told Laura she could stop walking around with Sarah and Tamara on her back. Surprisingly there were not too many storyline questions asked.  Someone did ask Laura if Sonny will get Avery, and she said she didn't know. Laura doesn't mind that they age kids if she actually has actors to work with.  She said people asked why the other Josslyn left, Laura said she got a movie and she's on Broadway, the kids have bigger résumés than the adult actors. How do you disconnect from character?  Laura answered normally it's easy, but there was one time where she was just sobbing and had to take time to let it out.

Tyler talked about how one time he went to a store in LA called "It's a Wrap" which is a store that has clothing that has been worn on TV shows for sale.  He said he got home and looked inside and it said "Nikolas Cassadine."  So he literally bought clothes he had already worn on GH. Tyler told the story of how when he first started he got stuck in the "elevator." It's not a real elevator, someone uses a pulley to open and close the door.   He did the scene, got in and it closed.  The scene ended and he was still in the elevator.  He was getting called to another set and was "stuck" in the elevator. Tyler didn't like doing "Wife Swap."

                                                                                                      William DeVry (Julian Jerome)

A fan brought up the live show.  The actors enjoyed it and want to do more.  During the live show, Wil and Maurice (Benard, Sonny Corinthos) had a fight, and Wil couldn't help but crack a smile during the one part because he tried to brace himself from falling.  As he did so, he hit something with his foot in a very private place of Maurice! A fan inquired if Wil likes being the bad guy or good guy better, and he really didn't answer but said Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing) likes being a good guy.  Later Wil said J. Eddie Peck (Jake, AMC) always likes being the good guy. Wil said Alexis and Julian were never supposed to happen but fans made it happen.

                                                                                                     Ryan Carnes (Dr. Lucas Jones)

A fan asked a question about scenes, and Ryan C said a scene he really liked doing was when Lucas came out (as being gay) to Julian. At first, Ryan C's lab coat didn't fit, he looked like Doogie Howser, and he asked Laura to tell them to fix it because they listen to her.

                                                                                                      Finola Hughes (Anna Devane)

A fan asked if the actors can make changes to the script.  Finola quickly said no, but she also said if something seems wrong or out of character, the actor can always go to the writers. Finola talked about working with John Travolta. A fan asked how close the actors are, Finola said two actors are godparents to two of her children.

                                                                                Rebecca Budig (Hayden Barnes Cassadine/Rachel Berlin)

Rebecca talked about working with Josh Duhamel (Leo) on "All My Children." A fan made a T-shirt for Rebecca with all her characters' names on it and asked if she liked it.  When Rebecca said she loved it, the fan gave her one.

                                                                                                             Ryan Paevey (Nathan West)

A fan asked Ryan P about his photography.  He said he is starting a new venture he can't talk about yet, but which will involve his photography. Ryan P talked about "Unleashing Mr. Darcy."  He said with the word "unleashing" in the title could have meant a lot of things.  He said it was very different than doing GH.

                                                                                             Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine)

Rob said since Dillon is older than when he was originally on the show, he feels he would have grown.  A fan asked when will there be more "Funk It Fridays," and Rob answered soon.

                                                    William deVry (Julian Jerome), Ryan Paevey (Nathan), & Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones)

A fan brought up Zenon (a character Kirsten had played in three Disney movies in the late '90's early 2000's).  Someone also brought up Maxie's wardrobe.  Kirsten said maybe that's why the designers feel they can put her in anything since she pulled off Zenon's outfit.

                                                                 Brandon Barash (ex-Johnny Zacchara) & Vinessa Antoine (Jordan Ashford)

A fan asked Brandon if Harper (his real-life daughter with Kirsten Storms who also happens to play Georgie (Maxie and Spinelli's daughter) will be back.  Brandon joked that she is very demanding and costs too much money.  However, being serious, he said it's all up to Bradford's (Anderson, Spinelli) schedule. A fan asked if Johnny will be back, Brandon said every time he is at the studio Frank Valentini (GH's Producer) asks him to come back and after three or four times Brandon says yes.  Brandon said he's on the second or third "ask."

The Q&A was soon over.  They auctioned off a picture in Soap Opera Digest, tickets for as many Long Island & Uncle Vinnie events as you wanted for a year, a signed hoodie and a signed script.  They also picked the selfie contest winner.  She spun a wheel to win a prize.  Fans could also purchase raffle tickets for prizes but sadly I didn't win any of those either.

Before the platinum group left, the stars got a selfie stick to take one giant picture.  Since I had my "good seat," I figured I'd end up in the selfie.  The next thing I knew, someone was close behind me with their hand on my shoulder.  Here it was Wil!  Sadly when the picture was posted, Wil is blurry. Soon it was time for the Platinum ticket holders to leave in order for others to enjoy fun with the stars!  Looking forward to my next GH event adventure!

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