2015 Andrea's Photos - General Hospital Fan Events From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Fan Events Pages

General Hospital Fan Descriptions and Photos!

Here are some great photos that Andrea took this year at the August 2015 "General Hospital" Fan Weekend! Andrea lives in Germany and travels every year to the US to see her favorite stars!

Frank Valentini (Executive Producer)

Finola Hughes (Anna)

Emme Rylan (Lulu)

Elena Tovar (Rosalie)

Dominic Zamprogna (Dante)

Brandon Barash (Johnny)

Chad Duell (Michael) and Kristen Alderson (ex-Starr/Kiki)

Chad Duell (Michael)

Kristen Alderson (ex-Starr/Kiki)

Brytni Sarpy (Valerie)

Bradford Anderson (Spinelli)

GH cast

Kelly Monaco (Sam)

Kathleen Gati (Liesl)

Jeffrey Vincent Parise (ex-Carlos)

Jason Thompson (Patrick)

Jackie Zeman (Bobbie)

Ian Buchanan (ex-Duke)

Haley Pullos (Molly)

Hayley Erin (Kiki)

Greg Vaughan (ex-Lucky)

Kirsten Storms (Maxie)

Nicholas Bechtel (Spencer)

Sean Blakemore (Shawn)

Michelle Stafford (Nina)

Rebecca Staab (ex-Elizabeth Barrington, PC)

Michael Easton (ex-John/Caleb/Silas)

Maura West (Ava)

Sonya Eddy (Epiphany)

Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix)

Rebecca Budig (Hayden)

Lisa LoCicero (Olivia)

Parry Shen (Brad)

William deVry (Julian)

Vinessa Antoine (Jordan)

Tyler Christopher (Nikolas)

Teresa Castillo (Sabrina)

Scott Reeves (ex-Steve)  NOTE: This was at a different fan event in Nashville.

Ryan Paevey (Nathan)

Ryan Carnes (Lucas)

Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon)

Rick Hearst (Ric)


Andrea's 2015 B&B Photos and Andrea's 2015 Y&R Photos

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