General Hospital
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Sunday, September 20, 2015
Emme Rylan (Lulu) & Dom Zamprogna (Dante) Event
Uncle Vinnie's Comedy Club, Point Pleasant, NJ
(In order to lessen loading time, pics are thumbnails. Please click on them
to see full images.)
I attended my first event at Uncle Vinnie's with Emme Rylan (Lulu) and Dominic Zamprogna (Dante).
The event started with a meet and greet. Each actor was supposed to go
to one side of the room and start, but Dom went on stage to sort of introduce
themselves. Emme was already meeting and greeting. I was sitting sort of in
the middle, so it was a while until the first person got to my table, who
happened to be Dom. He was impressed I already had a Shutterfly picture book
from this year's GH Fan Club Weekend. After a short wait, Emme finally made it
to my table. She also liked my Shutterfly book!
Soon it was time for the Q&A. There was lots of laughter at this event. Many
of the questions and talk involved Dante and Valerie. Emme wishes Lulu was more
upset when she found out about the "kiss," but she realized there
has to be somewhere for Lulu to go if/when she finds out it was way more than a
kiss. Both fans and the actors alike hope that Dante is the one to tell Lulu.
When fans asked if Valerie was pregnant, Emme and Dom said they didn't know. The
actors don't know the writers' plans for Dante and Lulu. Someone asked if Dante
knows who shot Sonny, and Dom can't remember if he knows or not! Emme said as
much as she enjoys the dark weeks (weeks where no one is taping so the actors
have off), she would much rather be able to tape only one episode per day and put
more focus into that one episode. The luxury of having weeks off means taping
multiple episodes in one day.
Emme has a tricycle and was upset at Dom for
not knowing this. She is going to be in an independent film in which she'll be
in a wheelchair, so she is renting one to practice. She said she'll have to go
to another neighborhood. Dom said could you imagine her neighbors, her going
from the tricycle to the wheelchair? They laughed. The hotel in which they
stayed the
previous night while nice, had paper-thin walls. They could just talk to each
other through the walls. A fan asked how they got into acting. Dom said his
parents were classically-trained dancers. They had a dance studio, so he learned
dance. They also taught drama, and he took classes. Emme's grandmother was on
Broadway. Emme's been dancing since she was 3. She started acting in high
school and moved to NY after graduating. She said she did every step of the
"acting ladder." One of her first jobs was as an extra on Guiding Light, and she
ended up as Lizzie there. Dancing helped her land the role in "Bring it On." A
fan asked what actor/character they would like to work with. Both said anyone
that would bring more to their story. A fan asked if Julie Berman (ex-Lulu)
left on her own. Yes, she did. Dom still keeps in touch with her. A fan asked if
they ever call their spouses by their character's name. Emme's husband's name is
Don. But she's never called him Dante. Dom said he finds it hard to say Lulu,
so he's never called his wife that.
After the Q&A, we were able to get a picture with both Dom and Emme. I
got a hug from both and told them it was nice to see them again, and I hoped to
see them soon!
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Page updated 9/29/15