General Hospital
Fan Descriptions and Photos!
The GH and PC Fanclub weekend Sunday, July 29, 2001
Suzanne Lanoue
Sunday morning I got up way too early to register for the GH luncheon.
They make you register hours before the actual luncheon, so I went back to my
hotel room after registering. I was going to go back to sleep but that
didn't work so I got ready instead. I went to the event about 10:30 and
looked at the pictures and other items for sale. There seemed to be far
fewer this year than last time I came. There were more silent auctions and
raffle tickets, it seems. Too bad, I wanted to spend more
money! I got quite a few things, though, and bid on a couple of
auction items. I wanted to win a studio tour but I don't have the money to
really get those. I bid $350 on one but it went for much more than that.
There was a long line to stand in and I didn't see my friends so I guessed
they were in line ahead of me (but actually I think I got in before they
did). I eavesdropped on the people behind me, who were from New York, to
pass the time. After I got inside, I quickly found our table, which was
very close to the front (yay!). I think I went to the bar to get a soda
after that...I didn't have much money left at that point! I was going
through my bag of items, trying to get my cameras ready (I take disposable
cameras) and keep my photo scrapbooks out of the way. The paper bag I had
brought was breaking so it was kind of a nuisance. Stacey arrived at some
point but she was interviewing the actors before they came in, so I didn't see
much of her. Lynn arrived and she introduced me to some of the people at
the table and we chatted. Joan arrived at some point but she was also
outside a lot taking pictures.
I went back to their room at one point (I was staying at the cheaper Days Inn
one block away) to put some of my stuff there...and maybe see if I could find a
bag. On the way back, as I was passing through the area where the tables
had been, I saw a big bag so I went to get it, thinking I could use it.
Inside were two nicely-framed pictures of some of the GH stars,
autographed. Being the honest (but very tempted! :) person I was, I turned
it in to the luncheon people. Turns out it belonged to Becky Herbst's
sister, someone recognized it. Did I get a thank you from anyone? Noooooo....and
I didn't get to keep the bag, either! :)
The lunch was okay, nothing special. There were ENDLESS raffles and
finally, they got ready to bring in the stars. There were 30 seats on the
stage so we knew a lot of people would be there. I think everyone was
there except for Ingo Rademacher, Robin Christopher, Stephen Nichols, Jackie
Zeman, some of the little kids, and the big three (Tony Geary, Genie Francis and
Kristina Wagner). Even Denise Alexander (Lesley) and Kimberly McCullough
(ex-Robin) were there.
Each star was asked a question and most of them tried to give humorous
answers. John J. York and Brad Maule hosted that part, and they were very
funny. Chad Brannon had brought his own video camera and that was funny,
although apparently he had no tape in it. I was happy that Maurice Benard
and Robert Kelker Kelly were in front so I could ogle them! :)
I can't remember all the things that were said, of course, but
nothing monumental in terms of storyline. They gave out fan awards for
various things. Sonny and Carly won for best love scene, and Sonny and
Alexis won for couple you'd most like to see together, so that was funny.
They seemed a little surprised at that. Lisa who runs John
J. York's site won for best online fan club, so that was neat.
I got numerous comments and questions during the day on my Maurice Benard
t-shirt, by the way, even from some of the actors! I had bought it in the
soap boutique earlier in the weekend.
Anyway, our table did not get called that quickly this year so that was not
fun, but finally we got to leave our table and run to the autograph lines.
I hit A Martinez' (Roy) first. It went very slowly, between the fact
that he's popular and the fact that he is SO nice and likes to chat with
everyone. Next time I come, I'm bring a backpack for my stuff, and a
portable chair! Anyway it was great to meet him and get my picture with
him because he was just very nice and down-to-earth. Next I stood in
Jensen Buchanan's (Melissa) line, which was right next to his. She was
very nice as well. I told her that I remembered seeing her on One Life to
Live (as Sarah) and she joked about how long ago that was.
Next I stood in Robert Kelker Kelly's line because he is another favorite
that I didn't have yet. His was another long line, but not as long as the
others. I chatted with fans while I stood in line, which is always
fun. Well, okay, there was one REALLY annoying guy at the events and he
stood behind me in one line, but other than him, it was fun talking to
people. Anyway, my photo books always get people interested. Even
though this year's was not as nicely put together as the previous one.
Anyway, RKK was very funny!! I asked him if he had a web site and he laughed and
shook his head. When I asked him if he wanted one, he said no, chuckled,
and said, "If I did that, I'd have to start taking this shit
seriously". LOL! He was great. Two girls were chatting in
front of his table, sort of holding up the line, and he came up behind one of
them and did a sort of Dracula-thing over her head until she turned
around. He was really great. He looked at my book of pictures and
saw the one of Charles Keating (ex-Carl, AW) and he said, "I really miss
him". I mentioned that he was coming on Port Charles, but there
seemed some confusion at that point about when he would be on, or how long.
I next went to get Denise Alexander's autograph and photo. She didn't
have any line. I guess the younger people don't care about her since she doesn't
have a story any more, but I really like her and have seen her in some early
80's GH tapes, so I wanted to get hers first thing while I could (she wasn't at
the last one I came to). She was sweet, too. After that, I just
stood in the shortest lines because I had most of the other people's autographs
already from the previous year, or I didn't care about the ones that were
left. I would have stood in Maurice's line but he was already gone,
sob! Missed him again.
I did get autographs from Breck Brun (Georgie) and Logan O'Brien (Lucas), who
were cute kids. Also I got Angel's autograph and John J. York's, because I
had missed theirs before, too. I would have gotten Tamara Braun's (Carly)
but her line was very long and at that point she hadn't been on the show much
for me to see. I got Jacob Young's autograph for myself and for a friend
(he is so cute! too young for me, though), and Marisa Ramirez's (Gia). She
has a very cute boyfriend who was there at the table with her, so I got both of
them in the picture. I also got to say hi to the actor who plays Elton and
take his picture. He was very nice as well. OK so most of them were
nice, but what else can I say?
I didn't get a chance to get Anna Lee or Kimberly McCullough's autographs or
pictures before they left....another missed opportunity! It seemed like
many of them left very quickly, which I didn't think was very nice for the
fans. A Martinez and RKK should be commended for staying VERY late!
For the rest of the actors, the lines were long and I was beat, so I just went
around the room taking pictures of them.
I won two things at the event! One was a giant autographed photo of
Stephen Nichols (silent auction) and one was a photo of Rebecca Herbst (not
signed or anything, in the raffle). So I can say, if you spend enough
money on raffle tickets and silent auctions, you will win some things...not
necessarily anything you want, though! LOL
After that event, I went back to the room to change and rest a bit, I
believe. Next was the afternoon event of the Gospel Hour. I had
never been to this before so I didn't really know what to expect, other than
religious singing. My friends were sitting on the opposite end of the room
(on chairs, lucky them!) but I found some nice people to sit with. I'm not
at ALL religious but I enjoy singing and well, obviously I was there to see the
celebrities! Real and his wife, who are deeply religious, hosted the
event, even though he doesn't sing himself. I had hoped more GH actors
would be there, like maybe Maurice, but there weren't all that many.
There were a couple of non-GH singers there, and a preacher who, fortunately,
didn't talk much. Lisa Vultaggio (ex-Hannah) and Vanita Harbour (Dara)
sang religious songs, and they were okay. I thought one of the best
singers was this blonde woman who was an old friend of Lisa's. The song
was great, too, and she just had a beautiful voice. Coltin Scott (Nikolas)
came in and sang a few non-religious songs. I hadn't heard him sing
before. He's really good. Apparently he is having some crisis of
faith so that's why he didn't sing religious songs, but no one cared, of course,
they just liked the music. Then the finale was Jonathan Jackson (ex-Lucky)
and his brother Richard (and I think their father?). Jonathan sang lead
and played guitar, his brother played drums and sang backup vocals, and I think
that was their father on guitar or bass and singing backup vocals. It was
great to see him, although I don't think having his hair pulled back in a
ponytail looked very attractive on him. He sang really well and played
with great feeling. He is from a very religious family so this is what
they are into all the time, having these gospel sings in their house. He
was very nice, although I didn't get to meet him personally, and he was very
welcoming to everyone. I enjoyed some of his songs because they were more
Christian Rock. But the concert went on for an hour later than planned and
some of those songs he did went on way too long for those of us sitting on the
floor! I probably could have left but that seemed rude. I did enjoy
most of it and at the end we all sang Amazing Grace, a song I really like.
Real filmed a lot of it for his own personal use, I I know I'm on
Real's home video, LOL Since I was to one side of the stage, I got to see
Real, Vanita, and Lisa quite a bit as they went off and on stage, so that was
neat. Vanita is always very sweet.
Real also showed his inspiration video that he had showed at his own
event. Lisa spoke at length about her own religious background and how she
was born again, so that was kind of interesting. Jonathan did a lot of
preaching and singing. I'm not sure I'd go again to this event but it was
very interesting to see the actors in a religious setting (certainly nothing you
get to see otherwise). I like to hear them sing, so I wish they'd all have
a non-religious singing event. They'd probably get more of the actors to
show up that way, too. But I know that's not what the point of the gospel
event is for.
Stacey and Joan went to Becky Herbt's event after that...Lynn went to dinner
with me and my husband. We were all starved at that point.
The events were a lot of fun and if you haven't gone before, it's definitely
worth going at least once! This was my second time and I enjoyed it almost
as much as the first time. Meeting the actors and getting to know them a
little bit as real people is great fun.
I wish I had gotten to stay another day to see the last-minute event with
Maurice, Wally and Chad...I'm sure that was great. But it was my
anniversary and we were scheduled to leave.
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Page updated 6/5/12