2001 GH and PC Fanclub Weekend From The TV MegaSite

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The GH and PC Fanclub weekend Friday, July 27, 2001 by Suzanne Lanoue

The First days

My husband and I arrived in Los Angeles on Wednesday, July 25th.  We'd had a long flight so we didn't stay up long once we got there.  We stayed at the Days Inn, which is only half a block from the Sportsman's Lodge but a lot cheaper.  The rooms are not as nice, of course.  Thursday we met with some friends to go to lunch at Jerry's Deli and to go to the Warner Brothers' studio tour.  Jerry's was okay; my stomach was kind of upset so I didn't eat much.  We had time to kill so first we went to NBC Studiosnbc.jpg (285773 bytes) to look at their gift shop.  I was surprised to find that outside was the set for the Salem Place mall, salemplace.jpg (396729 bytes) used all the time on Days of Our Lives!  I took many pictures and bought stuff in the gift shop.  I was disappointed that there wasn't more Days and Passions items available.  It seemed to concentrate on Tonight Show memorabilia.  I hate when people have money to spend but there is nothing to spend it on!  Plus the items were very expensive.

Warner Brothers is a good tour if you like TV stuff and want to see behind-the-scenes things and possibly run into some celebrities.  Ours was a little long (over 2 hours) and some people were bored because they didn't watch many of the TV shows being discussed or because they had been on other studio tours.  I enjoyed it because I do watch so much TV.  They don't let you in the drama sets normally so we couldn't see the sets for West Wing or ER.  We did get to see the outside part of ER ER-entrance.jpg (309145 bytes) where they have the basketball hoopER-basketballhoop,ambulance.jpg (285302 bytes), the newspaper stand, and the ambulances, and one section where they run in to the ERER.jpg (277832 bytes) during part of the filming, so that was pretty cool.  We got to see the sets of The Drew Carey Show and Friends because they weren't filming yet (but they wouldn't let us take any pictures).  Drew Carey looked just like it does on TV, pretty much.  The Friends set was in disarray because it wasn't filming, so that one was a little harder to recognize.  We did see some people playing with Joey and Chandler's Foosball table!  They film The Gilmore Girls there on a massive outdoor set so we saw many of the places seen on that show.  We also got to see them film one scene where the mother and daughter walk across the street and into a diner.  Unfortunately, none of us actually watch that show so it was not as thrilling as it could have been.  But it was still kinda neat to watch.  It's amazing how they have 30 people all working to concentrate on two people and shoot a five second scene.  I wish I had pictures to show you but they wouldn't let us take pictures there, either.  Now I have to start watching this show so I can see this scene!  I did buy some stuff at the gift shop there, too.

We took a nap after that and then met my friends Lynn, Stacey and Joan again.  We walked a long way down Ventura Blvd. to find this good Chinese restaurant, Chin Chin's.  Halfway back, my husband and I stopped at this karoake bar.  Turns out it's a drag queen bar as well!  But I made him go in anyway :)  It was actually a lot of fun.  There weren't a lot of people there so it wasn't noisy or crowded.  The guy hosting the karaoke was very funny and entertaining.  And they liked my song.  We only stayed for one and left because he didn't want to make a long night of it.  We back to the hotel and met with the others again, who were having drinks with Lisa, who does John J. York's official page.  She is really a sweet person.

The fun soap stuff started on Friday.  I stayed up too late Thurs. night working on the page so I didn't drag myself out of bed until 9:30.  We went to the Sportsman's Lodge to meet my friends by the pool and then I went to the Unique Soap Boutique to buy stuff.  This is two rooms that they get where they sell soap stuff like pictures, t-shirts, buttons, magnets, keychains, etc.  Mostly pictures.  I got a lot of stuff there for both me and some other friends who couldn't attend.  It wasn't just GH/PC but also Y&R, Days, AW, etc.  This year the GH fan club also had a room where they were selling stuff.  We went to lunch at Twain's, a coffee shop next door.  We had two tables because our group had grown to 8 people.  I met some people who had been on Stacey's GH email list, so that was fun.  Then we noticed that at the table right behind us was Charles Keating (ex-Carl, AW)!  He looked great.  He was also studying a Port Charles script so I guess he did sign a contract with the show.  We decided not to bother him because we figured he must be there to go to the PC party later that night.  Then later we regretted that because he didn't show up. :(

After lunch there were some actors by the pool signing autographs and letting us take pictures of/with them, including Real Andrews (Taggert), brad2.jpg (184044 bytes) Brad Maule (Tony) and Marshall Hilliard who used to be on GL.  They were all very nice.  Brad is always really funny.  He joked that he would like to sell T-shirts that say "I got Lucky at the GH Weekend"  They auctioned off a painting he did of his backyard pool.  This was all free.

I barely had time to get back to the room to get dressed before the first scheduled event, Coltin Scott's dinner.  coltin3.jpg (97900 bytes)He plays Nikolas on GH.  This was his first event and I have to say it ran very smoothly.  I don't think they should have made it a dinner, though.  It's too difficult to coordinate all that with watching the actors, and people on one side of the table have to turn around to see the front of the room, etc.  And most of us were going to the PC Party which also served dinner.  I think for the smaller events, no food or just snacks would be better.  The food was good, though.  Coltin Scott seems very nice and genuine.  I felt kind of bad for him because I don't think he's as popular as many of the other young actors on the show (or maybe it's because he was auctioning off his golf shoes, LOL).  I think a lot of people came to his event not to see him, but to see the other others.  This included Chad Brannon (Zander), Amber Tamblyn (ex-Emily), Marisa Ramirez (Gia) and Jacob Young (Lucky).  I was very disappointed that Stephen Nichols didn't show up because he was the main reason I bought that ticket. He was listed as a guest on Coltin's web site but apparently there was some miscommunication.  But I enjoyed seeing the others.  They were all very funny and entertaining.  They had an auction which was kind of boring but the proceeds went to a cancer charity.  Coltin's father died of cancer last year so he is very into this charity.  His girlfriend, mom, and stepdad were there and also Marisa's grandparents were there.  We had a very close table and we were right behind them, so I got some great pictures, I think.   Coltin and Jacob talked about their music a lot.  Coltin is working on an album.  Jacob had one just come out.  Chad is going to be appearing in 1776 (the musical play).  Amber did a pilot for the WB that just got picked up and will probably air next summer, she said.  They had a question and answer period.  People asked about Nikolas and Gia getting back together, and about how they felt that Amber didn't have final scenes with some of the actors who played her friends, among other things.   Parts of the auction were fun; it just went on a little long.  I even bid on something, can't remember what, but I got outbid quickly.  I don't know where some of these fans get all this money to waste!  The best items were the set tours and the items autographed by many cast members, such as scripts and t-shirts.  chad&jacob1.jpg (301904 bytes)It got fun when both Chad and Coltin took off their shirts briefly so they could put on some of the autographed items.  One lucky fan got to take off Chad's shirt after she bid on it :)  Also another fan wanted to take a picture of Amber with two of the actors (I think Chad and Coltin), but with their back so the audience.  So Amber grabbed both of their butts for the picture, LOL  All of the actors left except for Coltin, before the autograph signing could take place, so that was disappointing.  I like to get as many of the actors as I can at these smaller events so that when the big event happens, I don't have to stand in more lines.  I briefly considered trying to go to Amber's breakfast on Saturday, if I could get tickets, because it was rumored that Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin) would be there.  But then when I figured out that it was at 7:30 am, I decided against it.

The next event was the PC Party.  Again we got great seats close to the stage (thank you, Stacey!).  Last time I went, they had this event in a different room.  It was a larger room but several pillars were in the way and we weren't very close to the area where the stars were.  This year it was set up differently. They didn't make the stars eat dinner in front of us, for one thing, so that prevented people from running up and bothering them while they were eating, and it saved time for the whole event.  The food was pretty good that I recall.  Most of the actors from PC were there, but not Michael Easton (Michael/Caleb) or Nolan North (Chris).  The actors seemed very happy, for the most part, about the show and their roles in it.  There was very little complaining.  There were a lot of vampire jokes, of course.  jay,marie&erin1.jpg (179492 bytes)The actors who play Karen, Jamal, and Alison were hosting the show.  They gave out awards and asked questions that fans had sent in.  They were pretty fun.  Brian Presley (Jack) was very funny and cracked jokes a lot, mostly involving hitting on Julie Pinson (Eve).  The actress who plays Mary Scanlon made jokes about his hair.  It was just very fun and upbeat.  I was happy to see many actors there that had not attended or stayed long last time I was there, such as the ones who play Mary and Lucy.  The fun part of the event is always the autograph-signing and photo-taking.  I got almost everyone's autograph and picture.  They were all very nice and friendly.  I think they are all just really happy about where the show is right now and hoping it doesn't get canceled.  Even the big stars like Lynn Herring were just super-nice and chatted with anyone in their line who wanted to chat, and joked around a lot.  The lines were long but not unbearable.  Some of them could have been a little more organized, though.  Not to single anyone out, but I particularly enjoyed meeting Lynn Herring, Thorsten Kaye, Brian Presley, Kiko Ellsworth, and the girl who plays Alison.  I thought Jon Lindstrom would be at the GH event (he was last time!) so I didn't get in his line, just took a few pictures.  Stupid me.  He's always very nice.  I me&thorsten.jpg (262259 bytes) didn't get in Julie Pinson's line because it was just too long and I got her last time.  Kin Shriner and Carly Schroeder left a bit early but most of them stayed for a long time.  It was a great evening.

After the party, my husband and I went by the pool for a little bit to have a drink. He doesn't come to the events, just hangs around with me when I'm not in them, or drinks by the pool, or does sight-seeing.  He had snuck in the PC party at the very end to see if I was done.  He bought drinks at the bar and enjoyed people-watching.  Anyway, we met some other fans by the pool and chatted for a while about web pages and stuff.  Then we went back to our room, very tired.  I was already sick of standing in line; little did I know what was in store.

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