Steven Lars Webber - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Steven Lars Webber

Played by Shaun Benson and now Scott Reeves

Steve was born on the show in 1979. His mother is Heather, and his father is Jeff. Steve's half-sisters are Sarah and Elizabeth. Steve's girlfriend is Olivia.

Steve is a very successful doctor and Chief of Staff of the hospital. He has done a great job with making things run well and keeping people who don't get along from letting their personal lives interfere with their work. Steve's grandfather was Steve Hardy, the former chief of staff.

Jeff raised Steve and his sisters in Colorado. Steve came to town in 2004 and worked at General Hospital. For a long time. Steve resented his mother, Heather, who had sold him as a baby, and did a lot of other crazy, criminal things. She did not raise him. When she came back to town, she did more crazy things and try to kill people. She was put back into a mental institution for the criminally insane. Steve left town but returned in 2009.

At some point, Steve lived in Memphis, where he ran a trauma unit. Maggie, who later came to GH, was another doctor there They shared the secret that Steve had killed a patient (an evil convict in a coma) to save a sick child.

Steve briefly dated Lisa Niles, but it was clear that she was obsessed with Patrick. Later, in 2011, he started dating Olivia.

In 2012, his mother, Heather was declared mentally fit to leave the Ferncliff asylum. Steve had to take her in and be responsible for her. He has some misgivings, but also some guilt and other mixed feelings. His girlfriend Olivia is not happy about Heather being out because she thinks she's still crazy and dangerous. Not too long after that, Steve was arrested and taken back to Memphis for the murder.  However, he got off when Heather murdered Maggie and left a suicide note, confessing to the murder.

Steve is a dedicated and heroic doctor with many friends. He is a good administrator. His mother seems to be his weak spot.

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Page updated 5/12/12

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