Shawn Butler - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Shawn Butler

Played by Sean Blakemore

Shawn arrived in town in 2011. A former Marine with PTSD, he was working for criminal The Balkan at first. When he realized his mistake, he started working as a bodyguard to Carly and her daughter Josslyn. Shawn fell in love with Carly, but she is just fond of him.

Shawn is good friends with Molly. He helped her with her PTSD after the bus crash. Shawn has a dog, Wilson, who helps him with his PTSD symptoms.

In 2012, Shawn takes in the teenaged son of his old friend Tommy, TJ. Shawn had accidentally killed Tommy in the war. Carly has hired Shawn to run Kelly's diner. TJ helps Tommy at Kelly's.

Shawn is a real hero, even though he sometimes strays outside the law. He likes to protect and rescue women and children. However, he also has an intellectual side. He revealed at one point that he was a chemistry teacher before joining the marines.

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Page updated 5/2/12

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