Milo Giambetti - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Milo Giambetti
Played by Drew Cheetwood

By Laurie

Milo is an employee of Sonny’s.  He divides his time between playing bodyguard and driver.  Milo is young and a bit inexperienced.  He is sort of hot headed.  Milo uses his brawn, not his brain, to resolve problems.

Milo is a sweet and sincere guy.  He is loyal, trustworthy, and well mannered.   He’s also really funny. Sometimes, Milo talks “out of turn.”  His brother Max usually corrects him.  Milo is very easy on the eyes.  It’s safe to say that Milo is also a bit “dense.”   Though Milo is no rocket scientist, he means well and does what he’s told.

Milo has never really had a love interest, although he did have a crush on Lulu Spencer.  The two have never gone beyond being friends.  Milo treats Lulu with respect and courtesy.  He literally would do anything for her.  Milo fell for Lulu when she needed protection and came to stay with Sonny.

Milo is the younger brother of Max Giambetti.  The two brothers have a pretty typical relationship.  There is nothing funnier than a scene with Max and Milo.  Real life brothers Drew and Derk Cheetwood have great on screen chemistry.

We don’t know much about Milo’s past.  It would be nice to see more of Milo, as he has a lot to offer to the show.

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Page updated 4/28/12

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