Matt Hunter - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Dr. Matt Hunter

Played by Jason Cook

Matt arrived in Port Charles in 2008. His half-brother is Dr. Patrick Drake, and his father is Dr. Noah Drake. Patrick's daughter, Emma is Matt's niece. Patrick is in love with Maxie Jones. He has been dating Elizabeth, too. He briefly dated Dr. Lisa Niles.

Matt and Patrick are both very skilled and dedicated brain surgeons. They are often very competitive with each other as well.

Maxie and Matt irritated each other when they first met, but eventually they realized they were attracted to each other. Their relationship has had a lot of ups and downs.

Matt came to down with a medical Fellowship, but he was really trying to figure out who was selling counterfeit drugs that had killed one of his patients. Matt is pretty good at playing amateur detective. Matt almost died when Jerry set the clinic on fire with Matt and others inside.

Noah did not want to have any contact with Matt, who was a product of a brief affair. Patrick tried to get to know his brother. It took them both a while to become friends. They both confide in each other about their love lives and family problems. They give often unwelcome advice to each other.

Matt befriended Elizabeth which made Maxie jealous. Eventually Maxie drove Matt away, and Matt dated Elizabeth. When Maxie falsely confessed to the murder of Robin and Lisa, Matt confessed that he loves Maxie. Matt and Spinelli, Maxie's good friend who loves her, worked together to figure out who really killed Lisa. Maxie confided to Spinelli, who had already figured it out, that Matt is the one who killed Lisa. He was really drunk and doesn't remember doing it.

Matt has proven to be a good brother and friend. He's very loyal and smart.

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