Josslyn John Jacks - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Josslyn John Jacks

Played by Karleigh & McKenna Larson

Josslyn is the baby girl of Carly and Jasper Jax. She was born in 2009. Her parents have divorced, and Jax has moved away (after faking his death for a while). He tried to get Josslyn but failed.

Josslyn has two half-brothers, Michael and Morgan. Her uncle is Jerry, but he is a very bad person. He is probably dead. Luke is her great-uncle. Bobbie and Jane are her grandmothers.

When Josslyn was about to be born, a crazy and angry Claudia kidnapped Carly but then helped her give birth in a cabin. Claudia tried to steal Josslyn but was killed by Michael.

Josslyn got cancer in 2011; she received a kidney transplant from poor Jake Spencer, her cousin, who had been run over.

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