Garrett Prescott Floyd - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Garrett Preston Floyd

Played by John Bolger

He is called "Floyd" by most, or "Pres" by his friends. He has been on the show since 2006. He was mayor of the town for five years, although not well-liked by most of the other characters on the show, particularly Alexis, Sonny, Diane, Jason, and Mac.

In 2009 we found out that he had a wife named Andrea. He often cheated on her. Andrea murdered his latest girlfriend, Brianna, and tried to pin it on Alexis. Brianna was found by Patrick, Robin, and Olivia at the Metro Court Hotel. Floyd swore that she just bumped her head on the shower during sex. Robin, Patrick, Spinelli, Maxie and Sam suspected murder and investigated it. Brianna died in surgery at GH.

Alexis was then suspected of the murder. She and Floyd had a one-night stand in 2006.  Andrea also poisoned Edward's drink. He had a heart attack and ran into a carnival with his car, killing Andrea, who was revealed to be the real killer of Brianna.

Floyd presided over the Madison Preparatory School graduation, where Michael was supposed to graduate. After Michael got into a fight defending his sister, Kristina, Floyd banned both boys in the fight. Sonny had to pressure Floyd to give Michael his diploma.

Floyd later resigned as mayor and became the new owner and editor of the local newspaper, The Port Charles Press (formerly the Herald). He insisted that people call him Prescott or Pres now instead of Garrett, since he had scandal when he was mayor. He hired Diane as a gossip columnist for his paper and has been writing articles about Port Charles and its citizens.

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