Emma Grace Scorpio Drake - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Emma Grace Scorpio Drake

Played by Brooklyn Rae Silzer

Emma is the adorable daughter or Dr. Robin Scorpio and Dr. Patrick Drake. She was born in 2008. Robin has post-partum depression after that, although she wouldn't admit it for a long time. Dr. Lisa Niles, who was crazy, and obsessed with Patrick, took Emma out for ice cream when Emma was 1, scaring her parents. Later that year, Robin and Emma moved in with Mac Scorpio for a while, for protection. Lisa continued to terrorize Robin and Patrick for a while. Kristina was Emma's baby-sitter for a while.

In 2012, Robin was thought to have died in a lab explosion. Patrick had a hard time explaining her death to Emma. They are both still grieving for her. They don't know that she is really alive and being held captive somewhere.

Emma's grandparents on one side are spies Robert Scorpio and Anna Devane. They love their grand-daghter quite a lot. Dr. Noah Drake is her grandfather on the other side. Matt Hunter is her uncle. Since Mac raised Robin, he's probably like one of Emma's grandparents or uncle, too. Maxie, who was like a sister to Robin, is like Emma's aunt.

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Page updated 5/2/12

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