Bobbie Spencer - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Bobbie Spencer

Played by Jacklyn Zeman

Bobbie is Luke's sister. She has two children: Carly and Lucas. Lucas is adopted. Bobbie had given Carly up for adopted years ago, so Carly grew up in Florida with foster parents, but she came to town in the 90's, full of anger. Carly's children Michael, Morgan, and Josslyn are Bobbie's grandchildren. Luke's sons Lucky and Ethan are Bobbie's nephews, and his daughter Lulu is Bobbie's niece. The Eckert family, who were on the show for a while, are cousins to Luke and Bobbie. She is good friends with Monica Quartermaine and used to be good friends with Felicia Jones.

Bobbie is a nurse at General Hospital, but she is rarely seen on the show any more. She is part owner with Luke of Kelly's Diner.

Bobbie was married four times, to D.L. Brock, who was abusive; to Jake Meyers, who divorced her and then died; to Tony, who also divorced her (for her daughter, Carly) and then died; and to Stefan Cassadine, who also divorced her, and later died. Bobbie was pregnant with D.L.'s child but had a miscarriage. She and Tony adopted Lucas. Carly's father is John Durant, whom she had a one-night stand with years ago.

Bobbie was involved with many men on the show, especially Scott Baldwin, Roy DiLucca, Noah Drake, Damian Smith, and Jerry Jacks. Bobbie was a prositute from the time she was a teenager, working in her Aunt Ruby's bordello. She later became a nurse and left her sad past behind her. When she was first on the show in the late 70's, no one but Luke and Ruby knew about her past, and Bobbie was quite a schemer and trouble-maker. By the late 80's she had mellowed and become more of a good person, thanks to Tony and others.

Bobbie was very upset when her ex-husband Tony died. They were very close and still loved each other. He was probably the love of her life. Bobbie's son, Lucas is diabetic and also gay. Bobbie and the rest of the Spencer family love and accept him. Bobbie was last seen, we believe, in 2010.

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