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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2008 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

Opinions for April
By Lilit M.

Hello, everyone. Now first of all, let me apologize for not keeping you posted for the last month. I deeply regret that I could not write down my opinions for the month of March. Now these past few weeks, GH seems to be getting better and better. Let us review and share our own opinions.

Looks like Jax and Carly already started to have marriage problems. In most soaps usually couples end up getting a divorce. I’m interested in how long these two can survive. I’m pretty sure that Robin wants Patrick to be part of their baby’s life . But will she really swallow her pride and give him another chance after everything he put her through? All right, now about Maxie and Spinelli, these two really surprised me a lot. But then again opposites attract, right? In this case I doubt it, but let’s go along with the storyline and see what happens.

Lulu should already decide who she wants to be with. In Logan’s case I’m pretty sure she already knows what kind of guy he is. But if she’s really attracted to Johnny as well, in my opinion, she should give him a real chance and find out the person he really is. Maybe that would make it easier for her to decide.

Sonny was going to change his lifestyle or so he says, but after Michael getting shot, will this change his decision? Claudia and Johnny will have a good alibi, but come on, I don’t think Sonny is stupid. I have a feeling that Trevor is going to outsmart Johnny, Claudia, and Sonny all together and only with Anthony’s help will he go down. In my opinion, Michael getting shot while being with Sonny and Kate will make Carly even crazier and not in a good way.

Well this is all for the month of April, thank you for reading it…

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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