November Sweeps
By Destiny P.
November 11, 2007
Well here it is the November Sweeps event that is supposed to have us tuning in
every single day just to see what happens. However it has had the opposite
effect on me. I find myself not caring anymore. Sure it started out nice, but now
I find myself fast-forwarding through most days. We of course as always have
Jason riding to the rescue. I swear, is there ever a time when this man isn’t
the hero? I mean, to me he is not all that. We of course have to have Carly front
and center along with Lulu aka Helen of Troy wanna be.
So we have a fancy Black and White Ball in which almost everyone except the vets
are invited to. How these people can afford to dress up and go to a fancy ball I
will never know. Everything is going fine until dead bodies start turning up.
Now you have a killer on the loose who is offing those in his or her path and
then you have the stupidity. Lulu immediately rushes out to chase after Johnny
Zacchara aka her new love interest as if she doesn’t have enough men chasing
after her already. BARF!
Even when he tells her that his father Anthony is on the loose and wants to kill
her, she still throws herself out in the open. Then we have Carly who just has to
be the center of attention and just has to go off in search of the killer. She
claims she is doing it for her nanny who was murdered, but come on, I never really
thought they were that buddies. Now she wants to avenge her death. Let's get
Now if I was at a party and a killer was on the loose killing those in his or
her path would I be sneaking out on my own to investigate? Hell No! I would be
hanging out with a crowd of people and making sure that I have a handy weapon in
my hand. To go off on your own is just stupid but these characters just don’t
seem to care. The DA Ric Lansing has been stabbed and is now bleeding to death.
His only hope for survival of course is Sonny who must donate some of his blood.
Of course, Sonny has to ride in to the rescue as well. We then have Alexis who
has appendicitis, which has come at the worst time because the doctors are
already busy trying to keep Ric alive. Ric and Alexis make peace and it seems
they still have feelings for one another, which leaves me asking why? They
seemed to be so miserable together. He cheated on her and stepped on her. He
belongs with Skye who clearly has the hots for him and Alexis needs to hook up
with Jerry.
Jerry is actually acting decent and trying to be a hero in this mess. He is
actually teaming up with Jax to find a way off the island and actually worked
with Sam. That was a shocker since weeks ago he was threatening her. Nothing
like a good killing spree to bring people closer. Anthony appears to be the big
bad in this story with a sick obsession for his son. Its all rather confusing I
mean does he want to kill the boy or just want the boy in his grasp? Of course
he is trying to off Lulu who has been hanging around Johnny. I find myself
saying kill her and be done with it. Sorry but Lulu is grating on my last nerve.
I am sick and tired of watching almost every young guy on the show fight for her
affections. As if Spinelli still lusting after her wasn’t enough we now have
Logan and Johnny fighting for her as well. She is also at the center of this
storyline. Lucky is once again made to look stupid. Same old same old. God
forbid, he should come out the hero in any storyline. We have Nikolas and these
strange fits of rage he keeps having. Why he is freaking out a lot I have no
idea. Of course, Emily must stick by her man no matter how aggressive and
psychotic he becomes. She may be a victim to the killer or may not who knows.
All I know is that she is in need of a brain transplant.
Luke is finally declaring his love for Tracy. We’ll see how long this last. We
all know that man can’t stay put and is always taking off all the time. Half the
time it’s to the rescue of his comatose love Laura. He and Scotty are still
fighting over that woman, and I just roll my eyes. She is never waking up and
even if she did, she would want Luke. Both men need to move on and let her go.
After wandering around in the dark with a killer on the loose, Liz is now hiding
out in the stables after being rescued by her precious Jason. YAWN!
Georgie who has been on this show for a couple of years is shoved off to the
ballroom, while newbies Nadine and Leyla get more scenes and lines. I can see
Georgie falling victim and I say good riddance. The actress deserves something
better and staying on the show would be a huge mistake. Not only did her true
love Dillon suddenly fall for Lulu and declare his love for Lulu instead, but
also now her crush Spinelli is ignoring her in favor of new girl Nadine. However
not even Nadine can hold his interest, because he is still in love with Lulu.
Talk about a waste. It would have been nice to see Johnny fall for Georgie and
turn her into a bit of a rebel, but no we can’t have that.
Let's hope this Sweeps gets more interesting and that the writers will actually
surprise us. As for the writers I am not surprised that they are going on
strike. They need some respect. However I wonder what will become of daytime
soaps. They seem to be nearing an end and I am not surprised. I find them
becoming more and more boring, and I too am a writer. I can think of plenty of
ways to make them more interesting but of course I am no paid soap writer so no
one will listen. Let's hope that when the end does come, they do it right.
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