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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

When Two Worlds Collide

Without warning, General Hospital’s alternate world known as Night Shift (NS) came crashing down onto the set of GH.  Most of the cast from NS made their way to GH.  Without explanation, NS’ storylines have become part of GH’s canvas. 

This rude awakening has caused chaos and havoc among dedicated GH viewers.  We have been bombarded with storylines that were never introduced with characters that are getting more airtime than the regulars.  Die hard fans who didn’t watch NS are now forced to play catch up or be a first time viewer to a show they have watched for years.

What makes this even more ludicrous is that most of the carryover storylines are ending or ended prior to being added to the GH canvas.  Therefore, you are either trying to figure out what is happening or what has happened.  Either way, you have no previous knowledge of what has happened, unless you subjected yourself to watching NS.  If it weren’t for YouTube and episode summaries on the internet, I also would be in the dark.

That leads me to my next point. How about those viewers who don’t have SoapNet or the Internet?  Since NS was featured on SoaNnet, how would anyone who couldn’t watch, know what has taken place?  Not everyone has the internet, either.  Those viewers wouldn’t know that Spinelli shot himself in the foot or that there was a psycho nurse named Jolene who killed patients to seek revenge for her father’s death or that there was a bandaged woman with the last name Barrett, asking for Jason.

I will admit that I am enjoying the Laney/Cody storyline.  I haven’t seen her have chemistry with anyone since Justice left.  Actually, I haven’t seen her at all.  In fact, I have seen her more in the past two weeks than I have in the past nine months.  After she helped Sonny with his bipolar disorder, she faded into the background.  Now, she has a storyline that could be worthy of watching, if only I knew the whole story.  If only...

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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