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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

By Lilit M.  10/16/07

Here is what's going on. Lulu gave Logan a second chance, even though everyone is against their relationship. Nikolas is having these outbursts and doesn't remember anything.  That is why Carly and Jax think maybe just maybe he's the one who killed Leticia.  Meanwhile Sonny wants to meet with Anthony Zacchara face to face.  Robin is trying to become a single mother.  From my point of view, the show's great but then again everyone has their own opinion, and I will discuss mine now…  

In my opinion Lulu and Logan are great together and one of my favorite couple, but bringing in Johnny will help this couple hang on to each other and understand fully what fighting for the one you love really means.  Logan will have to fight for Lulu. I definitely love the rocky road our Prince is going through, in my opinion.  I think all the focus should be on Nikolas, and then if another person turns out to be Leticia's killer or the one who stabbed Jerry, it will surprise everyone.  Jax and Carly are great, but in my opinion, these two should go through some tests like marriage problems, or maybe we can bring in someone from their past. 

Sonny is a great man and very powerful, but using Johnny to get to Anthony Zacchara should cost Sonny something if Zacchara is as powerful as Trevor says he is. In my opinion, Zacchara should make his point.  If he's powerful, he should make Sonny understand that, and if he's not, WE as viewers can relax and know that maybe Sonny hasn't met his match yet. Robin has struggled all her life, and she's a strong woman, but in my opinion maybe Robin is trying to have this baby to forget the pain of breaking up with Patrick, and that's just not what I was expecting from Robin Scorpio, because viewers like me have watched her through the years, and having a baby to forget the pain is just not the way to do it. 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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