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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Commentary by Wanda
Nikolas in a Rage

Nikolas Cassadine, the prince of the Cassadine empire, has always been mild-mannered, well spoken, and self controlled up until recently. The transformation in the anger boy 2 (I still miss Taggart) started with fits of temper at the most trivial things until it progressed to outright beating people up if they looked at him wrong.

Honestly, Nikolas’ bout of rage is the best thing that has happened to General Hospital lately. In the last couple of weeks, I have looked forward to whom will get the brunt of Nikolas’ anger. Tyler Christopher is doing a fabulous job of exhibiting his character's rage while at the same time portraying that he does not know what is happening to him. The instances in which he tries to control himself are classic.

So far Nikolas has gone off on Alexis a couple of times, got short with Emily on several occasions, attacked Jerry more each time he saw him, choked Logan Hayes and beat him nearly to a pulp on another occasion. I cannot forget to mention all the times he flexes his indignation when things don’t go his way. I absolutely love seeing this side of Nikolas. I love that it is inexplicable.

Now, if only the writers would have him have a run in with Sam where he slaps her around a little, Trevor where he decks him in the mouth, Ric where he gives him a good old Jason Morgan beat down, Maxie where he pimp slaps her too, and Lulu where he shakes some sense into her. The possibilities are endless of how General Hospital can spice up the show using Nikolas’ out of control rage.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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